Subject: SalsaUpdate126

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 11:09 PM
Subject: Salsa Update #126 plus this Wed., HurryDate and Salsa!

Hola Salseros!

    Formatting messed up?  Read this on the website at

- First off, SAVE THE DATE!  Saturday Feb. 16, Edwin Pabon presents another Salsa Night at Knights of Columbus.  Tickets available online soon!  Featuring SANTO RICO DANCE CO.  Live from New York!  Workshops beforehand.

- A couple of people have replied to me about the LA Salsa Congress (see last week's email,
Please keep in mind the the special offer is only good until Feb. 15!  If you plan to go, please send me email with your name, dates you wish to attend, and possible roommates.  Eventually your name will be passed on to Albert Torres Productions and you will be able to complete your reservation with his staff at the SalsaBoston special price.

In the meantime...

- This Wednesday!  Salsa Night at Sophia's as usual, but BEFOREHAND...

Here's another interesting dating event (a little different from the "7 minute date") which is happening at Sophia's this Wednesday upstairs.  Check it out:

Come join us this Wednesday night at Sophia's for Salsa AND HurryDate!

What the heck is HurryDate, you say?

HurryDate is a party with 50 single guys and 50 single girls.  Two rounds
will be organized where you’ll talk to 25 people for three minutes at a time.  You'll indicate on a SCOREcard whether or not you'd like to see each person you meet again. We'll then calculate the results and send you the email addresses of the people you matched with a few days later. There were over 130 matches at the last HurryDate!

Throw in a cool bar (Sophias!), great drink specials, and a fun,
anything-goes vibe, and you've got yourself one hell of a Wednesday night
out after work!

Check out now to find out the full details on how it

We hope to see you there!

When:  Wednesday, January 16th
Doors open at 7:00, HurryDating begins at 7:30
Two rounds will be organized by order of arrival

Where: Sophia's - 1270 Boylston Street

Cost: $24.00 (including drink specials)

RSVP and online pre-payment is required to reserve your spot. RSVP now!

HurryDate fills up fast, so do it today!!!  Seriously.

Dating Should Be Fun...and in Mass Quantities!


And afterwords....

This and every Wednesday...

    ************************** Presents
     Salsa Night at Sophia's

This week, guest DJ Antonio Ortiz
1270 Boylston St., Boston (near Kenmore Sq. and Fenway Park)
Lessons with Johnny and Kelly at 9:15,
beginnner and intermediate, no partner necessary!
Salsa until 2am!
21+ Proper ID and Dress
$10 Cover, $2 extra for lesson

($5 discount for "hurry daters")

This week's mailbag:

1) MANGO BLUE at The MILKYWAY this Friday
2) SALSAlort Update, new classes
3) AprilOn2 Update, new classes
4) MIT Casino Rueda Workshops this January
5) Supershag Salsa Night this Sat. Jan 19!
6) Salsalegre Dance in Framingham this Sat. Jan. 19!


Dear Friends of Mango Blue,

After a long break, we're back!  It would be great if you could join us for what promises to be a great evening.

I hope you are well and thanks for your support,
-Alex Alvear
Appearing at:
405 Center Street, Jamaica Plain (Next to the Hi-Lo)
FRIDAY JANUARY 18, 9:30 pm

SALSAlort Latin Dance & Fitness Company
P.O. Box 20172, Worcester, MA  01602, (508) 792-0263 ~
~ Worcester ~ Cambridge ~ Boston ~ New York ~

    ----- Only 6 spots left! ------

* Intro to Latin Dance:  Salsa and More:
- Section 01:  Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm, 10 weeks, at 42 Brattle St. ->  STATUS:  Full-Get on waiting list
- Section 02:  Tuesdays, 9:00-10:00 pm, 10 weeks, at 357 Huron Ave.-> STATUS: Full-Get on waiting list
* Salsa!:  Tuesdays, 7:30-8:30 pm, 10 weeks, at 42 Brattle St. ---> STATUS:  6 Spots left!!!
To register and for more information please contact the Cambridge Center for Adult education at (617) 547-6789 or on the web at

Learn to dance Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, and more with SALSAlort!
~Intro to Latin:  Thursdays, 7:00-8:00 pm, 8 weeks
~Salsa-Advanced Beginner, Thursdays, 6:00-7:00 pm, 8 weeks
~Salsa-Intermediate, Thursdays, 8:00-9:40 pm, 8 weeks
~Performance Training*, Sundays, 2:30-5:30 pm, on-going
* for Company Performance Team only.

Worcester Intro & Adv. Beginner level courses are $100/person; full-time students w/valid ID $80/person.  Intermediate level course is $205; full-time students $175.  Courses are held at the YWCA, 1 Salem Sq., Worcester, 01608.  Pre-registration required.

To register and for more information contact Javier at (508) 792-0263 or  Visit us at  To get on the SALSAlort Latin Dance & Fitness Company e-mail list send a BLANK e-mail to:  You will receive notices regarding new classes/sessions, workshops, event information, etc. and be part of this progressive, community oriented company.
KellyG, a professional HIP HOP Dancer and Choreographer, is here from Los Angeles!  Learn the latest moves in the Hip Hop world & get in shape at one of the following Workshops:

THURSDAY January 10, 17, 24:
6:00 pm-7:00 pm        Body Sculpting, $10
SATURDAY January 12, 19, 26 :
11:30 am-12:30 pm    Body Sculpting, $10
12:30 pm-1:30 pm      Hip Hop, $11
SUNDAY January 20, 27:
1:00 pm-2:00 pm        Hip Hop, $11

All workshops held at the Worcester YWCA. Additional workshops may be scheduled.  Register when you arrive.  For more info call (508) 792-0298.  Learn more about KellyG by visiting

HOLA SALSEROS de Corazon!!!!

SPECIAL STYLING WORKSHOP!!!!! Many of you who cannot make weekday
classes have requested Sunday Styling classes.

EVERY 2nd and 4th Sunday, there will be a STYLING class for men and
women at 6pm.(VFW POST) Take the Styling class for $15, or pay $20 for
the whole night (Salsa Class at 7pm + Dance Party).

Join us THIS WEEKEND for WEPA SALSA SUNDAY on January 13th!

7-8pm NEW YORK STYLE "on 2" Salsa class for ALL LEVELS with APRIL

***the very best music for DANCERS!!!!

Mark your calendars--WEPA SALSA SUNDAYS take place
every 2nd and 4th Sunday

WHERE? VFW Post 299, 288 Green St. in Central Square, Cambridge.
(public parking available nearby, one block from red line)

$10 all night

18+, ID needed for bar


It's not too late to join!!!! Drop-ins WELCOME!!

NEW 4 week SALSA SESSION starting JANUARY 7th and 8th.

Learn to dance New York Style Salsa with April, of New York's Descarga
Latina Dance Company!

ALL classes take place at the VFW Post, 288 Green St. in Central Square,
Cambridge. One block from red line. Public Parking Available.

MONDAYS, starting January 7th

6pm Ladie's Salsa Styling for ALL levels. Body movement and   
    isolations, head whips, elegant arms and much more!!!!

7pm Beginner footwork and partnering. Intro to NY Style Salsa "on 2".

8pm Spin technique and partner styling for ALL Levels. Spin drills,
    adding "flava" to your partner styling, increasing creativity
    while partnering, and more!!

9pm Advanced Beginner/Intermediate classic NY turn patterns.
    Fine-tuning of leading and following techniques.

Tuesdays, starting January 8th

6pm Beginner footwork and partnering. Intro to NY Style Salsa "on 2".

7pm Advanced Beginner footwork and partnering.

8pm Men's and Ladie's Styling for ALL Levels. Designed to improve your
    open footwork, body movement, coordination and execution of open

9pm Intermediate footwork and turn patterns.

Cost: 4 week session--$50, $45 full time students
      $15 drop-in class, $13 if registered in one class.

Call April at 617-388-0925 for more info, or e-mail
Plus, check out for current info on classes, special
events, pics from class, etc.

The MIT Casino Rueda group would like to inform you of our IAP workshops.
For those that do not know, The Casino Rueda Group offers a series of
4 workshops every January.  (DON'T FORGET TO RSVP!)

We will be giving 3-hour workshops for four Saturdays in January.  Saturdays left
are as follows:

Dates:  Saturday 1/12, 1/19, and 1/26
Times:  5:30-8:30 PM 
Where: Room 491
Damage: $10

ALSO!!!!!!  Some days, we will be staying an extra hour afterward for people to
practice what they've learned or anything else in general.  Just think of it as
extra dancing time for all you salsa addicts.  If anyone wants any salsa pointers,
we would be more than happy to give them to you....All you need do is ask.

Remember that no partner is necessary.  People will be split up into three levels:
beginner, advanced beginner, and intermediate/advanced.  Notice that these levels
are not designated in terms of salsa.  If you dance salsa but not rueda, you will be
placed at a beginner level.  It will be up to the discretion of the instructors to move
you up to the next level. 

Workshops are formal instruction, so bring your sweats, your jazz sneakers/dancing
shoes, your water bottles, and plenty of energy to burn for 3 hours straight.  With that
said, we hope to see you all there.

Please RSVP by sending an email to with your name, email/number,
gender (or lead/folllower), and your estimated level. 

For a map of the location, go to:

Also, feel free to visit our web page for more details about the group:

                             MIT Casino Rueda Group

Don't forget, Salsa Night at Supershag's great new Mega Dance Complex in Waltham.  Check out this great new dance spot.

Dance on 3,000 Sq. feet of pristine dance floor. Complimentary beginner group class for all levels begins at 8:15 p.m.

Admission $10 [might be $12  -ed]. Complimentary group lesson at 8:15 p.m.

Ample free parking. Full schedule available at


[If you're coming or going to SuperShag's event, hit this too!]

Jan. 16th is the next Salsalegre!
Metrowest's once-a-month Saturday night Salsa Social.

Family in town for the holidays? Bring them along for
an exciting holiday outing!!
Come dance to the best Salsa Clasica, Salsa de Hoy,
and Cha Cha Cha with DJ Luis Arroyo at:

The Sons of Italy Lodge 1411
37 Washington AVENUE (not Washington St)
Natick, MA (directions follow)
8 pm: Salsa Lesson
9 to midnight: dance, dance, dance!
Cash Bar!
$10 per person
***All ages welcome!
(must show ID 21+ at bar)

Upcoming dates:
December 15, January 19, and February 16

For more info:
508-655-7142 or 508-820-9828
en espaρol: 617-522-2524

Directions to Salsalegre!

An easy ½ hour from Boston!!
From East via Rt 9:
--Take Rt 9 West. When you pass under Rt 95/128,
you'll go 6.5 more miles till you get to exit for Rt.
27 South.
--On right, just before exits for 27, you'll see a big
shopping center with a BIG Stop and Shop.
For 27 South exit you'll go under Rt 27--slowly
because exit is immediately on your right!
--Take 27 South 8/10 of a mile to Lake St on your
right. (At 7/10 of a mile is a light.) Turn RIGHT
onto Lake St., then bear IMMEDIATELY LEFT onto
Washington AVENUE (not Street).
--Go 2/10 of a mile down Washington Ave. to Lodge 1411
on your left (look for red awning).
From Mass Pike East or West:
--Take Pike to Exit 13. Follow signs after tolls for Natick.
--This puts you briefly on 30 East. Go to first light
and turn RIGHT onto Speen St.
--Take Speen about ½ mile, look for sign for Rt. 9
East. A little past Natick Mall (on right), you will
EXIT LEFT to get on 9 East.
--Take Rt. 9 East a short distance (1/2 mile maybe)to
exit for Rt 27 South.
--Take 27 South 8/10 of a mile to Lake St on your
right. (At 7/10 of a mile is a light.) Turn RIGHT
onto Lake St., then bear IMMEDIATELY LEFT onto
Washington AVENUE (not Street).
--Go 2/10 of a mile down Washington Ave. to Lodge 1411
on your left (look for red awning).
Via Rt 135, East or West:
--Washington AVENUE (not street) is a small street off
Rt 135. It's the first traffic light west of the big
intersection of routes 27 and 135 in downtown Natick.
--Turn off 135 onto Washington Ave. (it's only on one
side, so you have to turn right from dowtown Natick,
or left from Framingham)
--Go about 1/3 mile to Lodge 1411 on your right (look
for red awning).


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