Subject: SalsaUpdate127
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 8:54 PM Subject: Salsa Update
Hola Salseros!
Formatting messed
up? Read this on the website at
For information about subscribing and unsubscribing from
this list, or about submitting info, scroll down to the
A few reminders if you've forgotten:
1) Going to the LA
Salsa Congress? Or thinking about it? In order to get the Boston
Price you MUST email me before Feb. 15. Even if you are considering
going, please email me ASAP. See latest info below.
DATE! Saturday Feb. 16, Edwin Pabon presents another Salsa Night at
Knights of Columbus. Tickets available online soon!
Featuring SANTO RICO DANCE CO. Live from New York! Workshops
Have you been to SalsaBoston Night Sophia's on Wednesdays
lately? It's been the happening spot the last few weeks! Thanks
to all who have made it such a great place to dance. If you haven't
been there in a while, you're missing out! (RUMOR: a little mouse told
me there's talk of expanding to a second floor if it keeps up...)
funny, just the other day I was talking to yet ANOTHER person who had been to
Sophia's once and didn't like it too much. So I asked her what night
she'd gone and she said "Saturday". Like HELLO! Which part of
"Salsa Night is on Wednesdays" isn't clear? I guess she hasn't
been reading my editorials...
By the way, not that I'm against
Satruday night at Sophia's, but it's not SALSA NIGHT, not everyone's cup 'o
tea as they say.
Anyway, all the details in case you're still
not clear:
This and every Wednesday...
Presents Salsa Night at
************************** with
1270 Boylston St., Boston (near Kenmore Sq. and Fenway
Park) Lessons with Johnny and Kelly at 9:15, beginnner and intermediate,
no partner necessary! Salsa until 2am! 21+ Proper ID and Dress $10
Cover, $2 extra for lesson
*** also see for SalsaBoston
discount info
Hello to All You Salsa Lovers,
We are
preparing the best Salsa Congress Ever! May 23 is the Salsa Beach Party at
The Boathouse on the Santa Monica Pier from 1pm-5pm and from 8pm-2am
the Pre Congress Party at the LAX Hilton Hotel. May 24-26 4th Annual West
Coast Salsa Congress. We strongly suggest attending the events of May
23. Arrive Early! Free Transportation From Airport To Hotel!
Beginner Salsa Class with Edie The Dance Freak on Friday from Noon-2pm at the
LAX Hilton.
Over 650 registrations are in from 16 countries. We have
already sold 1/3 of the rooms we have reserved. We will reserve more if
needed at our discount price.
Register Today Before The Prices Go
Up! Don't Miss this Great Salsa Event! Over 40 workshops and much
more! Very Few Selected Vendor Spaces Still Available Call 310 450
BANDS: Oscar D' Leon, Jose Alberto "El Canario", Sonora
Carruseles, Ray De La Paz, Revolucion Juvenil (Puerto Rico), Johnny
Polanco Y Su Conjunto Amistad, Son Mayor, Freddie Crespo Y Su Mambo Revue
& International DJ'S
For more info or to register check
DANCE TEAM INFO: I want to thank
all of you that sent in your dance team videos.We received over 350 videos
from all over the world. Due to the great response, I will need two more
days to announce the selected teams. I will send out a general e mail with
the names of the selected dance teams and the most updated list of confirmed
instructors on Wednesday January 23, 2002 (West Coast Time) This info will
also be on my web site,
All selected
dance team numbers for the congress should not be longer than 5
minutes. All couples selected to perform. Your number should not be longer
than 2-3 minutes.
We need to keep the shows to a manageable
Thank You For Your Support In "Creating Unity Through
If you would like to join our e mail list, please e mail me
your info to
Thank You Albert
This week's mailbag:
** Don't
forget SalsaSunday at VFW with this Sunday!
1) Hips on
Fire is back 2) Now Every Thurday at Plaza G: "The Latin Show" 3)
This Thur: 2 for 1 night at Kouroon 4) SALSAlort Update: New Classes 5)
Update from Dan Marshall 6) Salsa this Sunday in Belmont 7) MondoSweetie
now at the Grand Hall in Lawrence on Thursday's, starting this
****************************************************************** 1)
Hips On Fire is BACK!!!!
finally, starting this Saturday at the Western Front and next Monday at the
Dance Complex, we are back with lots of classes and other events. Weve
got lots of calls from people complaining that they are bored, and with Salsa
withdrawal, here is whats for you next week:
19th: 10-11 Free Salsa Class, 11 on, dance until you drop Western
Front, Corner of Western and Putnam St, in Cambridge
MONDAY January
21st, 8:30pm 10pm START of BEGINNER SALSA Class Dance Complex 536 Mass
Av Cambridge
WEDNESDAY January 23rd, 7:30pm- 9pm Intermediate Salsa
Class and Hips On Fire Night
THURSDAY January 24th, 7pm 8:30pm,
Interm./Adv Salsa
************************************************************ 2) Submitter: ROBERTO
Info: ...........THE
LATIN SHOW BOSTON.a stage for Latino
every thursday 9:00
pm Plaza
9:00 PM to 10 PM Singers and dancers
perform. 10: pm
to 02:00 am Come and dance
Talent Night and DJ. 617 802
************************************************************ 3) Greetings
and Happy New Year Salsa Lovers!
Salsa is back at the Karoun as we kick
off the new year with a two-for-one special! ( Bring a guest and you get in
for free!)
Please join us on Thursday, January 24th for a great night of
Salsa featuring exciting new music, fabulous new dances and steps! Dance
lesson starts at 8pm followed by dancing from 9:00 to ll:00pm to the
sizzling rhythms of salsa, mambo, merengue, and cha cha!
The Karoun
Restaurant/Bar is located at 839 Washington Street (corner of Walnut) in
Newtonville. For more information, please call 6l7-964-3400 or
6l7-73l-8808. Admission is $l0 - $7.00 after 9:00pm.
Our Salsa
Nights are now on a new monthly schedule - dates will
be forthcoming.
We look forward to seeing the wonderful people who
made this past year so much fun and wish you all a healthy, happy,
joyfully dancing new year!
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Vera Armen has been teaching people to dance
for over 20 years. An Arthur Murray Dance Instructor in Boston and New
York, Vera has helped hundreds enjoy such dances as Fox Trot, Waltz, Swing,
Tango, Mambo, Cha Cha, Merengue and Salsa. Vera also offers private
dance lessons, either at her studio or in the privacy of your own home.
To schedule a lesson, please call 6l7-731-8808 or e-mail
**************************************************************** 4) *!*!*
*!*!* ------------* New Eight-Week Session Format *
------------- Learn to dance Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, and more with
SALSAlort! ~Intro to Latin: Thursdays, 7:00-8:00 pm, 8
weeks ~Salsa-Advanced Beginner, Thursdays, 6:00-7:00 pm, 8
weeks ~Salsa-Intermediate, Thursdays, 8:00-9:40 pm, 8 weeks ~Performance
Training*, Sundays, 2:30-5:30 pm, on-going * for Company Performance Team
Worcester Intro & Adv. Beginner level courses are $100/person;
full-time students w/valid ID $80/person. Intermediate level course
(double session) is $205; full-time students $175. Courses are held at
the YWCA, 1 Salem Sq., Worcester, 01608. Pre-registration
To register and for more information contact Javier at (508)
792-0263 or Visit us at To get on the SALSAlort
Latin Dance & Fitness Company e-mail list send a BLANK e-mail to: You will receive notices regarding new
classes/sessions, workshops, event information, etc. and be part of this
progressive, community oriented company.
professional HIP HOP Dancer and Choreographer, is here
from Los Angeles! Learn the latest moves in the Hip Hop world &
get in shape at one of the following Workshops:
THURSDAY January 10,
17, 24: 6:00 pm-7:00 pm Body
Sculpting, $10 SATURDAY January 12, 19, 26 : 11:30 am-12:30
pm Body Sculpting, $10 12:30 pm-1:30
pm Hip Hop, $11 SUNDAY January 20, 27: 1:00
pm-2:00 pm Hip Hop, $11
workshops held at the Worcester YWCA. Additional workshops may
be scheduled. Register when you arrive. For more info call
(508) 792-0298. Learn more about KellyG by visiting
*************************************************************** 5) Dear
Join us at Sophia's tomorrow night at
8:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m., for an ALL Salsa night that will satisfy your every
Salsa need, and will feature:
1. A selection of complimentary
Tapas, served at 8:00 p.m., will wet your appetite, for dinner, or food
cravings between dances, as we play a All Salsa mix of past and present hits
until 2:00 a.m.;
2. A special edition, ALL Salsa dance class on two
floors, including:
* 9:30 - 10:15 p.m. - An all Salsa
footwork lesson, from basics to fancy moves
that are sure to impress your friends, and give
you that freedom of movement you want to have
on the dance floor;
* 10:15 - 11:00 p.m. - A sizzling
Salsa partnering lesson, featuring another one
of our all-time favorite Salsa combos;
3. 11:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. -
Dance the night away to those romantic Classical Salsa favorites, soulful
Cuban Salsa beats, exciting Mambo -Salsa, and modern Salsa De Hoy (/New York
style) hits & music DVDs.
No other night or
club offers 4 dance instructors, live large screen T.V. broadcast of our
class across two club dance floors, great Tapas dinner and bar menus until
11:00 p.m., Latin music videos, and great music for dancing until 2:00 a.m.,
and all that at only a $5.00 cover at the
As an important note, my most cherished
dance partner of 2 years and friend, Angela M. Shamsi, will be teaching her
last two dance classes with me this Tuesday and on Tuesday, January 29,
2002. We are hoping to see as many of you as we can as a farewell to
this wonderful dancer, so mark your calendars and plan to join us tomorrow
and next Tuesday, and stay tuned for more details about next Tuesday
extravagant farewell party to Angela.
Tomorrow is also a Tuesday farewell to our great videographer and friend,
Allyn T. Camp, who is moving to Maryland to continue his education path in
the arts of videography. Please pass the word along to your friends and
contacts, and we hope to see you all
************************************************************** 6)
Sunday comes to Belmont, Ma. at The Studio of Performing Arts
& Fitness. January 27th ~ 7:00 P.M. - 10:00 salsa, cha cha,
merengue, mambo lesson with Guillermo NO partner necessary,
refreshments served 240 Trapelo Rd. on the T , between Cushing Sq. &
**************************************************************** 7) thank
you all the sweeties that came out for the Mondo debut at the Grand Hall.
We had a beautiful turnout and an elegant evening of Latin
dancing and socializing. There is nothing like this in
MondoSweetie will begin it's new weekly schedule at the Grand
Hall on thursday's, starting this Thursday, the 24th at 9:00 pm.
Hall 381 Essex Street Lawrence This and every Thursday with the
unstoppable MondoSweetie 9:00 PM $5