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Subject: SalsaUpdate136

Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 3:44 PM
Subject: Salsa Update #136: T-shirts are here!

Hola Salseros!

     Formatting messed up?  Read this on the web at

     For information about subscribing and unsubscribing from this
     list, or about submitting info, scroll down to the end.

Just in time for the spring weather, SalsaBoston.com T-shirts are in, and they look great!  Check them out at http://salsaboston.com/shirt  For a limited time pick up 2 or more for $17.50 each, $2.50 off the $20 price.  Show off your SalsaBoston colors wherever you dance this summer!  Also, why not pick up some extra's to trade or give as gifts?

Anyway, 2 styles, regular T's and Girly-T's, standard sizes, 100% cotton.  These are high quality shirts.  Proceeds help support salsaboston.com.  You can even order online!


- Sunday, April 7:  Celia Cruz & Gilberto Santa Rosa, Symphony Hall!
    Don't miss the King and Queen of Salsa--Boston's biggest
    Salsa concert ever!  Order tickets at Ticketmaster now.
- 2nd Annual SalsaBoston.com NE Salsa Competition--
       *** we need your opinion! ***
   Looking like at least $1000 in cash prizes plus we're trying to
   get passes for the winners to some international Congresos!
   Tentatively April 10-May 11
- This Saturday, Salsalegre in Natick
- Salsa at Sophia's Every Wednesday, and still growing!
- Website update for those techie's interested
- This week's mailbag

  Celia Cruz and Gilberto Santa Rosa
  Live at Symphony Hall, April 7

Many people have told me they already got tickets to Celia Cruz and Gilberto Santa Rosa, Sunday, April 7, Live at Symphony Hall!  I think we can expect a full house (2400) on that one.  The promoter tells me he expects to sell out--reserve tickets now:

  Online at: www.ticketmaster.com
  By Phone at: (617) 931-2000
  Prices vary depending on seating
     (personally, I'd say spend the $65 and sit in the front!)

Symphony Hall is going to make them sound awesome, but we all know that there's got to be dancing in the isles...  But, there will also be an afterparty, either at a ballroom at Symphony Hall, or at Mirage or Sophia's.   Details are being worked out right now!

Here's all the concert details, links, sound clips, flyer, etc.


  2nd Annual SalsaBoston.com New England Salsa Competition

... tentatively scheduled for April 10-May 11.  We are planning to give away at least $1000 in cash prizes plus we're trying to get passes for the winners to some international Congresos (possibly the Dominican Republic Salsa Congress in July!)  Similar format to last year, though we will have preliminaries at several locations.  Amateur and Pro divisions.

However, we need your input.  If you're a "regular" out there, please take a moment and send me your thoughts on the following questions, to survey@salsaboston.com:

Here's the website from last year (sans pictures--see website upate below)  http://salsaboston.com/competition/

1) Are you potentially interested in competing?  Amateur or pro?

2) If you're not, why not?  (e.g too much work, don't like to compete, prize not big enough, etc.) What can we do to help out people that aren't sure?

3) Have there been too many competitions in this area or not enough?  Do you enjoy watching competitions or competing in them yourself?

4) Are you interested in helping out as a judge or volunteer?

5) other thoughts?

Please respond to survey@salsaboston.com


SALSALEGRE! is coming up SATURDAY, March 30
with DJ NIK bringing you the BEST SALSA for dancers!!

 ... with 
SPECIAL PERFORMANCE by Salsa Y Control, known by
friends and fans as Johnny and Andres Giraldo. This is
one dance team you don't want to miss!!

Salsalegre! is MetroWest's once-a-month Salsa social
dance and the next one is happening:


AT: The Sons of Italy Lodge 1411
37 Washington AVENUE (not Washington St)
Natick, MA (See directions in the mailbag below.)

8 pm: beginner Salsa Lesson
9 to midnight: dance, dance, dance!

Cash Bar!
$10 per person
All ages welcome (must show ID 21+ at bar)

Guillermo: 617-522-2524, griverapagan@hotmail.com
Tracy: 617-655-7142, salsa@dattron.com
Pamela: 508-820-9828, salsahappens@yahoo.com


This and every Wednesday...

      SalsaBoston.com Presents
      Salsa Night at Sophia's
        with SalsaBoston.com

 "Boston's only all Salsa, by Salseros for Salseros hotspot!"
 1270 Boylston St., Boston (near Kenmore Sq. and Fenway Park)
 Lessons with Johnny and Kelly at 9:15,
 beginnner and intermediate, no partner necessary!
 Salsa until 2am!
 21+ Proper ID and Dress
 $10 Cover, $2 extra for lesson

 Website Tech Update

So you're wondering why the website is still in tatters?  Here's what happened.  For the first two year Salsaboston was being hosted at no cost by a buddy of mine in Santa Cruz, CA.  One day his machine melted down (litterally) and he got a new pro-server that was installed in San Jose at a commercial hosting "farm".  That went fine for a while longer.

However, he then moved, and in the process the billing people at the server "farm" messed up his account, weren't receiving his automated payments, and then lo and behold they litterally UNPLUGGED the server from the network with *no* notice.  That was about a week before the Boston Congreso last fall.

So I scrambled to get a new hosting service with an outfit called itxdesign in Virgina.  If you're looking for a host of your own, they've been solid and it's cheap (also no frills, so you need to know what you're doing).

Once that was in place, I managed to get the site partially restored within a few days.  However, many of the site's features (message board, club reviews, galleries, calendar, web coupons, etc.) had software that was only backed up on the server in San Jose, so it needed to be recovered.

After a few weeks we figured out what happened to the server and began the processed of physically getting ahold of it again.  However, the "farm" still claimed that my buddy owed them $180,000 in fees and refused to release it.  Months went by, and then he finally let me know that it was available for retrieval.  Problem being thought that he's in NC and I'm in Boston...  So finally I got another friend of mine to set it up so that it could be shipped, and now, nearly 6 months later, FINALLY, the machine is on its way...  so by next weekend or soon thereafter, hopefully everything will be back to normal.

In the meantime, I'm working on moving the clubguide, lessons, and Band/DJ listings to a searchable SQL database with an .asp frontend.  That will make life much easier on me and those people who are listed and need changes made to their listings, plus the website visitors will be able to look stuff up. Look for that in the coming months.  If anyone is an expert in mySQL/asp web design, and can volunteer some time, please let me know.

Thanks for your patience!

 This Week's Mailbag

1) Directions to Saslalegre
2) New Classes at RugCutters
3) New Classes with SalsaLort
4) Update from April
5) Alexander at El Bembe again next Friday (April 5)
6) April 9, Dan Kitsis & Giselle Peacock, the 2001 U.S. Open Under 21 Latin American performing at HOB
7) New Classes with Edwin Pabon

8) LAST BUT NOT LEAST!  New Classes with Johnny and Kelly

9) Samba Party at Brazilian Cult, Center, April 27


An easy ½ hour from Boston...

From East via Rt 9:

--Take Rt 9 West. When you pass under Rt 95/128,
you'll go 6.5 more miles till you get to exit for Rt.
27 South.
--On right, just before exits for 27, you'll see a big
shopping center with a BIG Stop and Shop.
For 27 South exit you'll go under Rt 27--slowly
because exit is immediately on your right!
--Take 27 South  8/10 of a mile to Lake St on your
right. (At 7/10 of a mile is a light.) Turn RIGHT
onto Lake St., then bear IMMEDIATELY LEFT onto
Washington AVENUE (not Street).
--Go 2/10 of a mile down Washington Ave. to Lodge 1411
on your left (look for red awning).

From Mass Pike East or West:

--Take Pike to Exit 13. Follow signs after tolls for
--This puts you briefly on 30 East. Go to first light
and turn RIGHT onto Speen St.
--Take Speen about ½ mile, look for sign for Rt. 9
East. A little past Natick Mall (on right), you will
EXIT LEFT to get on 9 East.
--Take Rt. 9 East a short distance (1/2 mile maybe)to
exit for Rt 27 South.
--Take 27 South  8/10 of a mile to Lake St on your
right. (At 7/10 of a mile is a light.) Turn RIGHT
onto Lake St., then bear IMMEDIATELY LEFT onto
Washington AVENUE (not Street).
--Go 2/10 of a mile down Washington Ave. to Lodge 1411
on your left (look for red awning).

Via Rt 135, East or West:

--Washington AVENUE (not street) is a small street off
Rt 135. It's the first traffic light west of the big
intersection of routes 27 and 135 in downtown Natick.
--Turn off 135 onto Washington Ave. (it's only on one
side, so you have to turn right from downtown Natick,
or left from Framingham)
--Go about 1/3 mile to Lodge 1411 on your right (look
for red awning).

Nancy Murphy


A new session of Salsa classes at Rugcutters' Dance Studio in Watertown begins April 10th.
7:30 Salsa 1
8:30 Salsa 2
check out our web site - www.havetodance.com/rugcutters

SALSAlort Latin Dance & Fitness Company
P.O. Box 20172, Worcester, MA  01602, (508) 792-0263
www.SALSAlort.com ~ SALSAlort@juno.com
~ Worcester  ~  Cambridge ~ Boston ~ Bridgeport, CT ~ New York ~
Javier F. Salort, Director


Learn to dance Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, and more with SALSAlort!
~Intro to Latin:  Thursdays, 6:00-7:00 pm, 8 weeks
~Salsa-Advanced Beginner, Thursdays, 7:00-8:00 pm, 8 weeks
~Salsa-Intermediate, Thursdays, 8:00-9:40 pm, 8 weeks (double session)

Worcester Intro & Adv. Beginner level courses are $100/person; full-time students w/valid ID $80/person.  Intermediate level course is $205 (double session); full-time students $175.  Courses are held at the YWCA, 1 Salem Sq., Worcester, 01608.  Pre-registration required.

To register and for more information contact Javier at (508) 792-0263 or SALSAlort@juno.com.  You may also REGISTER ONLINE by visiting us at http://www.salsalort.com/.


* Intro to Latin Dance:  Salsa and More:
-Section 01:  Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm, 10 weeks, at 42 Brattle St. (Full: Waiting List)
-Section 02:  Tuesdays, 7:30-8:30 pm, 10 weeks, at 42 Brattle St. (Full: Waiting List)
* Salsa!:  Tuesdays, 9:00-10:00 pm, 10 weeks, at 357 Huron Ave. (2 spots available?)
To register and for more information please contact the Cambridge Center for Adult education at (617) 547-6789 or on the web at http://www.ccae.org/.

HOLA SALSEROS de Corazon!!!!

DROP-IN CLASSES April 1st and 2nd.

Great chance to introduce a friend to New York Style Salsa!
Drop-in and pick-up some New York Salsa steps and styling with April, of
New York's Santo Rico Dance Company!

NEW SESSION STARTS APRIL 8th & 9th! New schedule coming to you soon, or
check www.Aprilon2.com

ALL classes take place at the VFW Post, 288 Green St. in Central Square,
Cambridge. One block from red line. Public Parking nearby.

MONDAY, April 1:

7pm Ladies Salsa Styling for ALL levels. Body movement and  
    isolations, head whips, elegant arms and much more!!!!

7pm Beginner footwork and partnering. Intro to NY Style Salsa "on 2."

8pm Spin technique and partner styling for ALL Levels. Spin drills,
    adding "flava" to your partner styling, increasing creativity
    while partnering, and more!!

9pm Advanced Beginner/Intermediate classic NY turn patterns.
    Fine-tuning of leading and following techniques.

TUESDAY, April 2:

7pm Beginner footwork and partnering. Intro to NY Style Salsa "on 2."

7pm Advanced Beginner footwork and partnering.

8pm Men's and Ladies' Styling for ALL Levels. Designed to improve
    your open footwork, body movement, coordination and execution of
    open shines.

9pm Intermediate footwork and turn patterns.

(Not a typo! On both days two classes at 7:00)

Cost: $13 for one class; 2 for $22; 3 for $30
      (multiple class discounts apply to same-day classes)

Call April at 617-388-0925 for more info, or e-mail aprilon2@aol.com
Plus, check out www.aprilon2.com for current info on classes, special
events, pics from class, etc.

Hi friends, with great pleasure we invite you again to the best Latin Party in Boston!!
Jorge Hernandez Cultural Center
85 West Newton St. South End, Boston 617- 427 1717

APRIL 5th at 9pm

ALEXANDER y su Orquesta
(Nominated for the Boston Music Awards)

Don't miss it...

Valet Parking available

April 9
Dance Jam! at the House of Blues
8PM 18+ $10

Special guests for the evening are Dan Kitsis & Giselle Peacock, the 2001 U.S. Open Under 21 Latin American Vice Champions. They will be also be performing!

Beginner swing & salsa lesson at 8:15PM
No partner necessary
DJ music & dancing of all styles

Tickets are available by calling the HOB Box Office 617-491-2100, Ticketmaster 617-931-2000, or online at www.hob.com/cambridge or www.ticketmaster.com. Tickets will also be available on the day of show.

hello dancer's  just to let you all know that new salsa class's start next week.biginner's and advance, thursday april 4th biginner class start at 7:30 pm to 8:30pm......advance class start's at 8:35 to 9:05pm..and saturday april 6, biginner class start's at 11:am to 12:noon..all class's are for 8 week's...info 617-524-0457..talk to you soon bye!   PABONELSALSERO@aol.com

Renew your life this spring with SALSA…
Johnny and Kelly’s spring session starts THIS week.
Learn sexy salsa moves, turn patterns and funky freestyle footwork.
Classes now offered at three levels—Beginner, Advanced Beginner and Intermediate/Advanced.
Join Johnny and Kelly for some “on 1” fun!

Beginner:    Thursdays at 8:00pm – 9:30pm 
(starting March 28th)
                        Dance Complex
                        536 Mass. Ave. in Cambridge
                        Studio 5
                        Near the Central Square T stop on the Red Line
NEW !          Public parking lots or street parking available

Advanced Beginner:   Thursdays at 6:00pm – 7:30pm
NEW!                 (starting March 28th)
                        Brazilian Cultural Center
                        310 Webster Ave. in Cambridge
                        Near Inman Sq. at the intersection of
                        Cambridge/Webster/Columbia Sts.
                       (Directions available at www.bccne.org)
                       Street parking available 
Intermediate/Advanced:  Tuesdays at 9:00pm – 10:30pm
                        (continuing from winter semester)
                        Impulse Dance Studio
                        181 Mass. Ave. in Boston
                        3rd floor
                        Near the Hynes Convention Center T stop
                        on the Green Line
                        and Berklee College
                        Street parking or parking garages available

Classes are $12 each or five classes for $50.

Stay tuned for details about the upcoming Styling workshop in April.               
Please e-mail or call with any questions.  We look forward to dancing with you!
Kelly:  ksilfies@hotmail.com, (617) 522-7443
Johnny:  (617) 967-5021

My name is Ari and I'm in a Brazilian Samba band called "Samba
Tremeterra."  We
would like to invite you to our spring party for Brazilian Samba music
and dance
at the Brazilian Cultural Center in Cambridge, MA.  This is an
opportunity to see
a live Brazilian Samba Band, and guests can participate in playing the
with us.  Food and drinks will be sold as well.

I was wondering if you'd be willing to place information about the event
on your
web site or a banner ad that of sorts that we could create and send to
you in return
for a few tickets.

Here's the info:

Brazilian Samba Party
April 27th

Location:       Brazilian Cultural Center of New England
                310 Webster Ave - Cambridge, MA

Cover charge: $15


  To subscribe to "Salsa Update", published aproximately weekly, send
  email with ONLY the word "subscribe" in the subject line to

  To unsubscribe, send email with ONLY the word "unsubscribe" in the
  subject line to salsaupdate-request@salsaboston.com.

  To submit information to SalsaBoston.com or to inquire, send email
  to inquiries@salsaboston.com.  Inquiries must be received by Monday
  each week to insure inclusion that week.  Salsa Update generally is
  published on Tuesday evening.

  Please resubmit notices each week that you wish to have them
  published.  All notices should be text only, ready to publish.  No
  attachments or html-mail please.  SalsaBoston.com reserves the
  right to edit or reject any announcements for any reason without

  (c) Copyright 2002 SalsaBoston.com, all rights reserved

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