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Subject: SalsaUpdate149

Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 12:05 PM
Subject: Salsa Update #149: Competition tonight at Sophia's! + new floor is in!

Hola Salseros!

     Formatting messed up?  Read this on the web at

Well, after quite a bit of work the carpet is gone and the new oak floor is
finally installed upstairs at Sophia's!  It's still not quite done and only
has a temporary finish on it, but it will do for the moment.  By next week
it should be completely done, including a new finish on the old dance floor.

** TONIGHT!  Preliminary round of 2nd Annual N.E. Salsa Competition!
Upstairs at Sophia's **
      Competitors!  email or call me for free admission!  617-513-9841
Audience!  Come out and vote for the winners with your applause!  Best
couples will advance to the semifinals on July 20 at Supershag Mega Dance
Complex to compete for $2000 in cash plus other prizes!

Additional confirmed preliminary rounds:
  -  This Friday, last night of El Bembe for the summer, don't miss it!
  -  Thur. July 12, Ryles!

More rounds TBA.


Last Wednesday interestingly enough (on the first floor because of
renovations) was our busiest regular night ever, which caught us by
surprise.  Apologies for the crowd.

However, in addition to the new dancefloor upstirs, starting next Wednesday,
weather permitting, we're opening the roof deck each week at 6:30 for

  Wed's. at Sophia's

A new place for Happy Hour!

Join us for authentic Mojito's and reduced price tapas(6:30-8) on the
roofdeck, followed by the newly expanded Salsa Night as usual!

What's a "Mojito" you ask?  It's a highly refreshing cocktail direct from
Havana with the following:
  Fresh lime juice
  Crushed fresh mint leaves and ice
  Splash of soda water
  Served with a stick of sugar cane

Perfect for taking the edge off in the summer heat!  Sometimes served by
Fidel himself.  Try one!

What's been happening in the scene?

Lots of stuff went down last weekend!  6th (!) anniversary at Ryles,
Pimienta Negra at Knights of Columbus was great, and even some people caught
the tail end of Issac Delgado at Wonderland after that, Upham's Corner was
dancing with Pabon on Sat, Salsalegre on Sat. night, Sunday was the first
week of SalsaJam picnics at JFK park/Memorial Drive (where the rollerbladers
are), plus April's night at the VFW.  Hope you all got your fill because
this weekend is relatively quiet.

Coming up:

- This Thursday, roofdeck party at Sophia's with Pachanga Latina

- Last Night of El Bembe for the Summer this Friday, with a competition
prelim. round!

- "Miami Club" opens again at Ekco Lounge in Chinatown on Friday, July 5,
brought to you by SalsaBoston.com!  Each Friday, "Salsa by Salseros for

- 1st Summer Salsa Cruise, Sunday July 7th!  Dockside Preparty at the
Landing and Lessons, 7-8pm, boarding starts at 8 in time for sunset on the
harbor, and dancing until about 11 when we're back to the dock.  Three decks
of dancing, the Salsa Deck and Latin Mix!  DJ's D Martinez, Antonio Ortiz,
Luis Arroyo, and Nik will be spinning the best Salsa and Latin all summer.
Order Tickets and get more details online at http://salsaboston.com/cruise

- I am introducing a new beginners class at Sophia's on Thursdays starting
July 12 called
    "Salsa for Gringos!"  (a la "Programming for Dummies")
  8pm, $5, includes admission to the night
    The class introduces Salsa from a non-dancer/non-latino perspective and
    incorporates all the little tricks that I learned over the 1.5 years it
    took me to even begin to "get it".


This and every Wednesday...

      SalsaBoston.com Presents
      Salsa Night at Sophia's

 "Boston's original all Salsa, 'by Salseros for Salseros' hotspot!"
 1270 Boylston St., Boston (near Kenmore Sq. and Fenway Park)
 Lessons with Johnny and Kelly at 9:15,
 beginnner and intermediate, no partner necessary!
 Salsa until 2am!  Featuring
    DJ Luis Arroyo
    DJ Antonio Ortiz
    DJ Nik
 21+ Proper ID and Dress
 $10 Cover, $2 extra for lesson

 SalsaBoston T-Shirts are in!

T-shirts are going fast!  Thanks to all who have made purchases!

Just in time for the spring weather, SalsaBoston.com T-shirts are in, and
they look great!  Check them out at http://salsaboston.com/shirt  For a
limited time pick up 2 or more for $17.50 each, $2.50 off the $20 price.
Show off your SalsaBoston colors wherever you dance this summer!  Also, why
not pick up some extra's to trade or give as gifts?

Anyway, 2 styles, regular T's and Girly-T's, standard sizes, 100% cotton.
These are high quality shirts.  Proceeds help support salsaboston.com.  You
can even order online!

             Sponsor News
  (please patronize the establishments
   that help bring you SalsaBoston.com)

Salsa & Merengue Dancing - Thursdays in Cambridge
Friendly environment for beginners,
Quality dance space for more experienced salsa enthusiasts,
Nonsmoking, 21+

Dance Lessons with Dance Caliente
Intermediate Salsa: 8:30 pm - 9:15 pm
Beginner Salsa: 9:15 pm - 10:00 pm

Ryles Jazz Club, 212 Hampshire St.,
Inman Square, Cambridge, (617) 876-9330
Dancing: 10:00 pm - 1:00 am
Admission: $12 before 10:00 pm; $8 after 10:00 pm

  --- DJ this Thursday, June 27, 2002: DJ Rubio ---

Presented by: Suzanne Steele, Assorted Affairs, (508) 224-5120


SuperShag Mega Dance Complex
406 Moody Street
Waltham, MA 02453
781-894-7424 (SHAG)

Salsa Night 1st Thursday and 3rd Sat. each month!
Sat. July 20, Don't miss the Semi-finals of the SalsaBoston New England
Salsa Competition!


Salsa Socials with April
2nd and 4th Sunday each month with DJ Nik
Cambridge VFW
Classes prior


Every 1st & 3rd Sunday
8:30pm - Midnight, $5
Drinks & Food available (sorry it is not free)
All Asia Cuisine & Bar, 332 Massachusetts Av, Central Sq, Cambridge

Special Note: Friday June 21, Pimienta Negra is back!  Details TBA


Jam'Nastics and SalsaBoston.com bring you
Salsa Saturday
2nd Saturday each month at the Brazillian Cultural Center, Cambridge
Stay tuned for June details.

 This Week's Mailbag

1) HMA Ballroom Club dance classes with Seemore and Cristina
2) Grupo Fantasia reopens again at the Madfish, Thursdays
3) Mango Blue and salsa competition this Fri at El Bembe!
4) New Classes with Johnny and Kelly
5) "Salsa for Gringos" beginner Salsa at Sophia's on Thursdays

Summer Dance classes at Harvard Medical Area Ballroom Dance Club

Time: Fridays, June 28 - July 26 (except for July 4th weekend)

SALSA                   7:00 - 8:00 PM  (taught by Cristina & Seemore)
SAMBA                   8:30 - 9:30 PM  (by Chris Pumley)

Location:  AIR-CONDITIONED T-MEC Atrium (Tosteson Medical Education
Center, second floor), Harvard Medical School, 260 Longwood Ave, Boston,
MA 02115. T-MEC is located across from Vanderbilt hall.

All is welcome. No partner or prior experience is needed.

For more info, directions and schedule, check out our web site at:

it's almost here. THURSDAY JUNE 27, is the first night of a summer of latin
dancing with GRUPO FANTASIA at the MADFISH GRILLE. we can't wait to see all
of our old friends, and meet our new friends. see you thursday!!!! gracias,
angel y grupo fantasia

[ Note: preliminary round of the salsa competition this night too!]

Dear Friends of Mango Blue,

After having endured two great back-to-back outdoor shows accompanied by
rain this past weekend, I'm glad to announce that we'll be playing in a much
drier place soon.  I sure hope you can join us and please, help us spread
the word to your friends and networks.  Take care and be well,

-Alex Alvear

Appearing at:
17 Holland Street, Davis Square, Somerville
(across from the Davis Stop on the Red Line)

FRIDAY JUNE 28, 9:30 pm

If you would like to purchase Mango Blue's "Immigrant Blues" CD you can do
so via the Internet by logging onto:  CDBABY.COM/MANGOBLUE  and/or

Turn up the heat this summer with SALSA…
Johnny and Kelly’s summer session starts THIS week.
Learn sexy salsa moves, turn patterns and funky freestyle footwork.
Classes now offered at three levels— Beginner, Advanced Beginner and
Join Johnny and Kelly for some “on 1” fun!

Beginner:    Thursdays at 8:00pm – 9:30pm

(starting June 20th)
                        Dance Complex
                        536 Mass. Ave. in Cambridge
                        Studio 5
                        Near the Central Square T stop on the Red Line
   NEW !          Public parking lots or street parking available

Advanced Beginner:    Mondays at 8:30pm – 10:00pm
   NEW!            (starting June 24th)
                        Impulse Dance Studio
                        181 Mass. Ave. in Boston
                        3rd floor
                        Near the Hynes Convention Center T stop on the Green
                        and Berklee College
                        Street parking or parking garages available

Intermediate/Advanced:   Tuesdays at 9:00pm – 10:30pm
                        (starting June 18th)
                        Impulse Dance Studio
                        181 Mass. Ave. in Boston
                        3rd floor
                        Near the Hynes Convention Center T stop on the Green
                        and Berklee College
                        Street parking or parking garages available

Classes are $12 each or five classes for $50.  The session lasts  8-10
weeks, depending on the level.
Please e-mail or call with any questions.  We look forward to dancing with
Kelly:  ksilfies@hotmail.com, (617) 522-7443
Johnny:  (617) 967-5021


  Olaf from SalsaBoston is teaching a new beginners class at Sophia's on
  starting July 12 called
    "Salsa for Gringos!"  (a la "Programming for Dummies")
  8pm, $5, includes admission to the night
    The class introduces Salsa from a non-dancer/non-latino perspective and
    incorporates all the little tricks that I learned over the 1.5 years it
    took me to even begin to "get it".
  Drop in, no partner needed.


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To submit information to SalsaBoston.com for publishing or to inquire, send
email to inquiries@salsaboston.com.  Announcements must be received by
Monday each week to insure inclusion that week.  "Salsa Update" generally is
published on Tuesday evening.

Please resubmit notices each week that you wish to have them published.  All
notices should be plain text only, ready to publish.  No attachments, rtf,
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  (c) Copyright 2002 SalsaBoston.com, all rights reserved

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