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Message Subject: SalsaUpdate181

Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 5:16 PM
Subject: Salsa Update #181: Much stuff!

Hola Salseros!
     Formatting messed up?  Read this on the web at

This issue:
- Announcements
- SalsaBoston events
- Sponsor news
- This week's mailbag

Important things!  Please read!

** LA Congress Attendees!  Albert Torres has agreed again this year to a special deal for New England Salseros.  Through March 15th, the early bird prices will still be in effect, but you have to register now and live in New England.  Rates are:

Event Pass: $250, Nights only, $95
  Single $110.00 $110.00
  Double $110.00 $55.00
  Triple $126.00 $42.00
  Quad $140.00 $35.00

Later this week, a special registration form will be available on the website at http://salsaboston.com/lacongress  (that page right now still has last year's info on it).  To register, you will need to fill that out and fax it in, and also pay the balance.  After March 15, prices will go up to the regular price.  ALSO!  In light of this discount, I have to ask that any registrees please respect how busy the ATP office is, and keep the changes, requests, and correspondence to a minimum.  Preferably if you have a question, ask me and I will get you the answer.  Last year evidently, "Boston was the worst"....

** DJ Ricardo Loiaza will be back in town!  Wed. March 12 at Sophias, and Friday March 14 at El Bembe!  Stay tuned.

** BUY TICKETS NOW!  http://salsaboston.com/marblehead/fiesta.html
4th Annual Fiesta de Baile, March 15, Nahant Country Club
This is one of Boston's favorite annual Salsa
parties, benefitting the Salsera Paula Shiff's North Shore Civic Ballet in Marblehead.  This is the 4th year of this "by Salseros for Salseros" event!  Featuring DJ Antonio Ortiz, at the beautiful Nahant Country Club.  TICKET PRICES GO UP ON MONDAY!  $20.

** This Sat, March 8, Frankie Negron & Maria Dias at Wonderland
   617-887-1809/617-884-3241 for info

** This Thursday, finals of a Salsa Competition at Club BBKing, Foxwoods.
   I'm planning to go--contact me if interested.

** March 8, Benefit for the brand new Brookline Community Center for the arts (BCCA). Stay tuned for more details! BCCA is Boston's hottest, biggest, and newest dance facility, right in Coolidge Corner. Featuring six state of the art modern studios and a 3000 square foot dance floor.  More details daily, and the website is being feverishly updated.  www.bccaonline.com  Most of the information there now is still old, but check back soon.  The Center will be opening in late April.

The BCCA is interviewing instructors (dance, yoga, marshall arts, dance fitness) If you're interested in a new place to instruct, or better hours, contact the center at bcca@salsaboston.com

Investment opportunities are available.  If interested, please contact bsmllc@salsaboston.com for more info.

    SalsaBoston.com presents
    Salsa Night at Sophia's
       Every Wednesday

"Boston's original all Salsa, 'by Salseros for Salseros' hotspot!" 1270 Boylston St., Boston (near Kenmore Sq. and Fenway Park)

Every Wed:
NEW!  Casino Rueda classes with MIT Casino Rueda Group, 7:45-9:15, introductory and intermediate.  Reuda Details: www.salsaboston.com/sophias/rueda.html or scroll down a bit

Follwing that, Salsa Lessons with Johnny and Kelly at 9:15, beginnner and intermediate, no partner necessary.

Salsa until 2am!  Featuring each Wed. each month:
1st    DJ Nik
2nd    DJ Antonio Ortiz
3rd    DJ D. Martinez
4th    DJ Hernan
5th    Guest (when there is a 5th Wed.)
21+ Proper ID and Dress
$10 Cover, $2 extra for lesson (i.e. $12 before 9pm, $10 after) http://salsaboston.com/sophias

Starting Wed., Jan. 29, Salsa Night at Sophia's will include a Casino Rueda class from 7:45 to 9:15, as part of the night.  We're doing this because Casino Rueda is a blast and we don't see much of it around here. In other words, we want to get it going in this area!  The lessons will be taught by members of the MIT Casino Rueda Group.  There will be an introductory lesson concurrent with an ongoing intermediate level class. If you've never done Casino Rueda but know basic Salsa, take the introductory class once or twice and graduate up to the intermediate level.  If you've never danced Salsa at all, Johnny and Kelly's regular Salsa class will still be happening as usual from 9:15-10:15.  $12 covers you for the whole night ($10 after 10:15).  If you're an expert and don't plan to take Johnny and Kelly's class, you will have an hour inbetween to practice, have a drink, or get a bite to eat downstairs.

If you've never heard of Casino Rueda, it's an "exhilarating" dance that comes from Cuba via Miami, that can best be described as "Salsa meets square dancing", or "sychronized Salsa".  It's a group Salsa dance, with partners in a circle, there's a caller and and a bunch of moves that everyone knows.  As the dance progresses, everyone does the same moves together, often trading partners as part of it.  The whole thing is a blast!  If you ever danced in Miami, it's extremely popular down there. JAM'NASTICS teaches some of it as well in Boston.

More details will be posted in www.salsaboston.com/sophias/rueda.html,
with a video clip as well.

 SalsaBoston T-Shirts are in!

T-shirts are in stock again!  Thanks to all who have made purchases! Just in time for the holidays, SalsaBoston.com T-shirts are in, and they look great!  Check them out at http://salsaboston.com/shirt Pick up 2 or more for $17.50 each, $2.50 off the $20 price. Show off your SalsaBoston colors wherever you dance!  Also, why not pick up some extra's to trade or give as gifts?

Anyway, 2 styles, regular T's and Girly-T's, standard sizes, 100% cotton. These are high quality shirts.  Proceeds help support salsaboston. com.  You can even order online.

             Sponsor News
  (please patronize the establishments
   that help bring you SalsaBoston.com)
"What's a sponsor?" email: info@salsaboston.com


Salsa & Merengue Dancing - Thursdays in Cambridge
Friendly environment for beginners,
Quality dance space for more experienced salsa enthusiasts, Nonsmoking,

Dance Lessons with Dance Caliente
Intermediate Salsa: 8:30 pm - 9:15 pm
Beginner Salsa: 9:15 pm - 10:00 pm
Ryles Jazz Club, 212 Hampshire St.,
Inman Square, Cambridge, (617) 876-9330
Dancing: 10:00 pm - 1:00 am
Admission: $12 before 10:00 pm; $8 after 10:00 pm
Presented by: Suzanne Steele, Assorted Affairs, (508) 224-5120 http://salsaboston.com/temporada

DJ Schedule 2003
1sth Thursday   Feb. 6  DJ Latino (Antonio Ortiz)
2nd Thursday    Feb. 13 DJ Jose Barron
3rd Thursday    Feb. 20 DJ Nik (Nik Caswell)
4th Thursday    Feb. 27 DJ Rubio (Tim Shea)

SuperShag Mega Dance Complex
406 Moody Street
Waltham, MA 02453
781-894-7424 (SHAG)
Salsa Night 3rd Sat. each month!

Pabon El Salsero!
Dance Classes, Live Orchestra, Promotions www.pabonelsalsero.com Spontaneous Celebrations 45 Danforth Street Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 617-524-0457

 This Week's Mailbag

1) Spring Dance Classes at Harvard start tonight
2) Upham's Corner Pool Party (Island Music)
3) Tropical Rhythm at the Strand Theater, March 22
4) New Dance Classes with April
5) *** March 23rd, LeClub's annual Oscar's private party!
6) Salsalegre's classes start next week
7) MIT Casino Rueda Workshop, March 15th


Adams Dining Hall
        Beginning Salsa 8-9
        Waltz 9-10
Winthrop JCR

        Swing 7-8
        Advanced Salsa 8-9
        Tango 9-10

Each class will run for 8 weeks and will be priced as follows: $35 for eight weeks $20 for four weeks $7 for each individual class.

Register by coming to class.

For more information visit www.harvardballroom.org www.harvardballroom.org


Upham’s Corner Branch Library Pool Party February 28, 7-9PM

Don’t curse the cold—help change the climate! Its time again for our
Annual "Pool Party" Fundraiser at the Upham’s Corner Library.

Friday, February 28, from 7 to 9 p.m. the Friends of the Library are
throwing a party that chases the chill from the air as it supports the
important programs offered by the library.  Everyone is invited to come enjoy the warmth at this fun, family and community centered event, which is held at the Branch Library, 500 Colombia Road.

This "Pool Party" is a celebration of the community’s
success in creating a
climate of activity and opportunity in our neighborhood branch library. Proceeds will help to continue and expand the library’s diverse programs at a time when many other neighborhood opportunities are being threatened by drastic budget cuts.  Local support means local opportunity.

The  rhythms of LIVE ISLAND MUSIC and the spice of sweet and savory
foods help create this event’s tropical atmosphere, but it is the
gathering of
friends and neighbors that provides the warmth.  So please come and bring a friend—there's plenty of room in this pool.

There is no charge for admission but donations are needed, welcomed,
and tax deductable. For further details and directioions, contact the
branch library
at 617-265-0139.

Hope to see you there.

Upham's Corner Main Street Presents

                          A Concert
                        Tropical Rhythm
  Latin, Cape verdean and West Indian Music, Dance and Drama

                     Saturday, March 22, 2003
                              7:30 PM
                        The Strand Theatre
                        543 Columbia Road
                           Dorchester, Ma
                           617- 282-5230

      Tickets: $15 reserved and $10 general admission
               Children under 14 year's old $5

                        Performance include
     The Rhady Montero Orchestra-------- Zerui Band
     Trevor Lewis----------- Disastab------- Evergreen
     Hips on Fire----------Like So-------- Tabanca
     Jab Jab Drummers--------

We would like every one to come bring your family and friends to this 
Community Event!!

H.Fernando Bossa
Business Recruitment Specialist
Upham's Corner Main Street
594 Columbia Road, Suite 302
Dorchester,Ma 02125


April now has classes in TWO LOCATIONS!
New 4-week Session starts every month.
March session starts March 9th and 10th
PLEASE NOTE: You now get a DISCOUNT for registering for more than
one class. DROP-INS WELCOME!

      ***********SUNDAYS in BOSTON***********
Starting Sunday, March 9th
100 Mass Ave, 4th floor, Back Bay, Boston
(crnr Mass Ave & Newbury St, above Urban Outfitters)
DIRECTIONS at end of e-mail

3-4 pm
Level I Salsa (Partnering and Footwork)
Fundamentals of leading and following, timing,
connection, and basic turns.

4-5 pm
Level II Salsa (Partnering and Footwork)
Turn combinations, body movement, and coordination of
open shines.

5-6 pm
This class is designed for Advanced beginners who are ready to make
the transition to the Intermediate class.  Learn and fine-tune fundamental
leading and
following techniques that are essential to NY Style dancing. Get rid of bad
Guaranteed to improve your dancing at ANY level!!

7pm SALSA for ALL levels (April--Level 1, Ruben--Level 2, Ahmed--Level 3) 8-11pm  Wepa Salsa Sundays (Class and Party for $10) Weekly gathering of new and long time Salsa dancers for non-stop music and dance.

           ***********MONDAYS in CAMBRIDGE***********
Starting Monday, March 10th
VFW Post, 288 Green St, Central Square, Cambridge

6-7 pm
Level I Salsa (Partnering and Footwork)
Fundamentals of leading and following, timing,
connection, and basic turns.

7-8 pm
Level II Salsa (Partnering and Footwork)
Turn combinations, body movement, and coordination of
open shines.

8-9 pm  ***MEN'S Styling and Spin Technique*** (with AHMED of the Eddie
Torres Dance Company). ALL LEVELS
Body isolations, arm and head detailing, footwork and creativity while
partnering. Partner drills with female followers to incorporate
styling techniques learned in class.

8-9pm *** Ladies' Styling & Spin Technique*** All Levels
Isolations, head whips, elegant arms, spin drills and more!
Partner drills with male leads to incorporate styling techniques
learned in class.

9-10 pm
Levels III & IV Salsa (Partnering and Footwork) Classic NY turn
patterns, expanding the repertoire, open shine challenge, creativity while partnering.

Cost for 4-week session:
One course per session: $50
Full time students: $45
Two courses per session: $90
Full time students: $85
Three courses per session: $120
Full time students: $110
Drop-in classes: $15

For more info:
www.aprilon2.com >aprilon2@aol.com >617-388-0925

 LE CLUB's 2nd Annual Champagne Awards party is Sunday, March 23rd @ News. Sponsored by Moet & Chandon, Racetrack Rick & Ira Porsche, and Platinum Magazine. Featuring the Academy Awards Oscar® presentations on Boston's biggest selection of hi-definition plasma flat screens, the Clubettes, LE CLUB Model of the Month, Boston media & Press coverage, sushi and full service menu, Champagne specials, four bars on two levels with no waiting, comfy leather VIP lounges, marble and stainless powder rooms. http://www.leclub.ws/boston/events.php to find out more and to RSVP. This is a LE CLUB private event closed to the general public you must be on the exclusive guest list to attend. CLICK HERE for latest pix. This email is sponsored by News and Ira Porsche. Thanks,

Garry (617) 899-9500
Peter (617) 816-0333

Greetings Salsa Lovers,

GOOD NEWS! Our next 6-Week session is starting soon!
   Thursdays starting March 6
   Saturdays starting March 8

   Saturdays, March 8 - April 12 (5-6 pm)

   Saturdays, March 8 - April 12 (4-5 pm)

   Thursdays, March 6 - April 10 (7-8 pm)

   Thursdays, March 6 - April 10 (8:15-9:15pm)

This class is open to new and old salsa students.We
will be reviewing all those great salsa moves that you
love! These are dating from way back when??? Come join
us and brush up on all of those spicy combinations!!!

LOCATION: 17 Winslow Rd, Natick
          (visit www.salsalegre.com, "Learn to Salsa"
          for map)

Classes limited to 10 people - Advanced registration
encouraged to hold your space and hold open class.

7)Mark your calendars everybody, it's time for another

                     MIT CASINO RUEDA GROUP
                    SALSA AND RUEDA WORKSHOP!!

WHEN:   Saturday, Mar. 15, 2002, 2 PM to 5 PM

WHERE:  Lobdell Cafeteria
        2nd floor Stratton Student Center (building W20)
        84 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge
        for a map click here:

Damage: $10

No partner is necessary!  People will be split up into three levels: Beginner, Advanced Beginner, and Intermediate/Advanced. Note that these levels are designated in terms of rueda rather than salsa.  If you dance salsa but have never danced rueda, you should start at the Beginner level.

Beginner: No experience neccessary! Teaches the basics of Salsa and
  Rueda, lead/follow technique.
Advanced Beginner: Assumes a knowledge of basic Rueda moves, teaches
  intermediate-level rueda moves.
Intermediate/Advanced: Assumes the dancer is comfortable with beginner
  and intermediate rueda moves and has a good lead/follow technique.
  Teaches advanced moves.

Remember, workshops are formal instruction, so be sure to bring comfortable clothes, your jazz sneakers/dancing shoes, your water bottles, and plenty of energy to burn for 3 hours straight!  With that said, we hope to see you all there!!

SPACE IS LIMITED. PLEASE RSVP by sending an email to vfm@mit.edu with the following information:
Estimated Level:
Leader or Follower**:

(** note that the leader is typically the male and the follower is typically the female, particularly at the beginner level.  More advanced students may choose to learn either role if they wish.)

Feel free to visit our web page for more details about the group:

                              MIT Casino Rueda Group

To subscribe to "Salsa Update", published approximately weekly, please send email with ONLY the word "subscribe" in the subject line to salsaupdate-request@salsaboston.com.

To unsubscribe, send email with ONLY the word "unsubscribe" in the subject line to salsaupdate-request@salsaboston.com.  Note that you may not be receiving this email directly from the Salsa Update list, but rather through another list that you are subscribed to.  If that is the case, the list handler will reject your unsubscribe request (since you are not on the list) and mail you some additional information on how you can remove yourself from other lists that may be forwarding mail to you.

To submit information to SalsaBoston.com for publishing or to inquire, send email to inquiries@salsaboston.com.  Announcements must be received by Monday each week to insure inclusion that week.  "Salsa Update" generally is published on Tuesday evening.

Please resubmit notices each week that you wish to have them published. All notices should be plain text only, ready to publish.  No attachments, rtf, or html please.  SalsaBoston.com reserves the right to edit or reject any announcements for any reason without notice.

  (c) Copyright 2002 SalsaBoston.com, all rights reserved

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