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Message From: SalsaBoston [list@salsaboston.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 6:30 PM
Subject: Salsa Update #196: 4th of July Weekend: MAMBO UNDER THE STARS!!! And BCCA

(Sorry if you got this twice, the other one got away and
has old info!  This one is the CORRECT ONE!!!)

Hola Salseros!
     Formatting messed up?  Read this on the web at

This issue:
- announcements (4th of July Weekend, Salsa Competition update--new schedule)
- Salsaboston events (Cruises, BCCA, Sophia's with Casino Rueda)
- Sponsor news
- This week's mailbag

Summer is finally upon us in a big way and with it, this past June, the SalsaBoston website recorded 19,477 visits with nearly 70,000 page views, a new record!  In other words, someone is checking out something on the site about every 15 seconds.  Wow!

All the Salsa professionals out there, please keep me updated with your information.  ALSO! We need all the help we can get at the festival circuit this summer.  If you have time to volunteer to help promote Salsa in general in addition to your own programs, please contact kelly@salsaboston.com and let her know.  We have a full schedule of street fairs and events where we have booths and such set up for flyering and teaching mini-classes to passer-bys.  Also, the Puerto Rican Festival is coming up again in late July and we will be having the hugely popular SalsaBoston Float again in addition to a greater presence at the festival itself.

Pictures from the cruise are in!  http://salsaboston.com/gallery/cruise

Also, pictures from the preliminary competition at Sophia's 

And pix from the
Courtesy Mamboston2.com

 4th of July Weekend

Tonight, Nik at Sophia's!  Lessons with Johnny, Kelly, and Andres, 9:15, Casino Rueda with JamNastics at 8:00

Thursday, July 3, Ryles has informed me they will be open.  DJ Antonio Ortiz

Friday, Be kind to your fine feathered friends!

Saturday night, BCCA will be open, cash bar, lessons at 9:30!  DJ D. Martinez

Sunday, 4th of July weekeend Salsa Cruise!  MAMBO UNDER THE STARS!!
  Dockside lesson at 7:00, leave dock at 8:15 sharp!!
  DJ D. Martinez, and DJ Mike Mercado
  Info: http://salsaboston.com/cruise
  Advance tickets:  http://salsaboston.com/store   $15 each, or 4/$55
  AFTERPARTY at IL PANINO!  Free with cruise ticket stub.  Dancing at Fred Astaire as well.


Join us for the 2nd of about a dozen preliminary heats planned this summer for the
  3rd annual SalsaBoston New England Salsa Competition!

Top couple (or two if 4 or more couples compete) win Cruise Tickets and $25 cash tonight!
  -- free cover tonight for preregistered competitors!
     Email kelly@salsaboston.com asap or call Olaf @ 617-513-9841

Rules:  audience applause vote, 2 min. of dancing plus warmup
        winners advance to the semi's on Sat. Aug. 2!

  Contact Kelly or myself asap to reserve a date!


El Bembe Boston Friday 6/13/2003
Sophia's Boston Wednesday 6/25/2003
Brookline Community Centerfor the Arts (BCCA) Brookline Saturday 7/12/03(tentative) Platforms Providence, RI Sunday 7/13/2003 El Caney(free buffet and champagne) Lynn Thursday 7/24/2003 Viernes Con Clave Somerville Friday 7/18/2003
Liquid Sky Worcester Saturday 7/19/2003
Wepa Salsa Sundays Boston Sunday 7/20/2003
Sophia's Boston Wednesday 7/30/2003
Union Street Newton Tuesday tentative
Ryles Cambridge Thursday TBA
Punto Finale Lawrence - TBA

SEMIFINALS BCCA, Brookline Saturday August 2*
FINALS Knights of Columbus Hall Charlestown Saturday August 16*

* note: location may change




Harbor Cruise Tickets are now on sale.  www.salsaboston.com/cruise   2nd cruise leaves the dock at 8:15pm, Sunday July 6!  Wrap up the long weekend with some Mambo under the Stars!  Every other Sunday this summer.

6-8 Preparty at "The Landing", Dockside!  Lessons with Johnny and Kelly from 7-8 7:45, boarding begins 8:15, THE BOAT LEAVES!  Don't be swimming at 8:16! Return around 10:30 Afterparty at either Il Panino or The Point, TBA at the cruise.

Upstairs, Salsa Deck with DJ D. Martinez
Downstairs, Latin Mix with DJ Mike Mercado

Tickets, $15 advance or 4/$55, $20 each at the dock.
Lessons #2 extra, pay at the dock.
Tickets online at www.salsaboston.com/store

Note: block of 4 tickets can be used on one or several nights (as a group on one cruise or as individual on several).

  Salsa Night at the BCCA
      Every Saturday!

BCCA's Salsa Night is now open with a modest crowd but very fun!  This is a new a weekly event, plus it stays OPEN LATE, afterhours!

14 Green Street, right in the heart of Coolidge Corner.
Lessons at 9pm
Dancing until 2am+
$10/$12 with lessons
Plenty of street parking
1 block from Green Line
All ages
More info and directions: http://salsaboston.com/bcca

If you haven't heard about it already, there's a new dance space in town:
  Brookline Community Center for the Arts (BCCA)
  Opening April, 2003
  in Coolidge Corner, Brookline
The BCCA website is being updated daily.  Please log in to www.bccaonline.com and add yourself to the mail/email list to get all the latest info.

  -- Burju and Victor (Hacha y Machete)
  -- Johnny and Kelly
  -- SalSalort
  -- Dan Marshall

Schedules and registration online

The BCCA is interviewing instructors (dance, yoga, martial arts, dance fitness) If you're interested in a new place to instruct, or better hours, contact the center at bcca@salsaboston.com

Investment opportunities are available.  If interested, please contact bms_llc@salsaboston.com for more info.

    SalsaBoston.com presents
    Salsa Night at Sophia's
       Every Wednesday

"Boston's original all Salsa, 'by Salseros for Salseros' hotspot!" 1270 Boylston St., Boston (near Kenmore Sq. and Fenway Park)

Every Wed:
NEW!  Casino Rueda classes with MIT Casino Rueda Group, 7:45-9:15, introductory and intermediate.  Reuda Details: www.salsaboston.com/sophias/rueda.html or scroll down a bit

Follwing that, Salsa Lessons with Johnny and Kelly at 9:15, beginnner and intermediate, no partner necessary.

Salsa until 2am!  Featuring each Wed. each month:
1st    DJ Nik
2nd    DJ Antonio Ortiz
3rd    DJ D. Martinez
4th    DJ Hernan
5th    Guest (when there is a 5th Wed.)
21+ Proper ID and Dress
$10 Cover, $2 extra for lesson (i.e. $12 before 9pm, $10 after) http://salsaboston.com/sophias

Salsa Night at Sophia's new includes a Casino Rueda class from 7:45 to 9:15, as part of the night.  We're doing this because Casino Rueda is a blast and we don't see much of it around here. In other words, we want to get it going in this area!  The lessons will be taught by members of the MIT Casino Rueda Group or JAM'NASTICS.  There will be an introductory lesson concurrent with an ongoing intermediate level class. If you've never done Casino Rueda but know basic Salsa, take the introductory class once or twice and graduate up to the intermediate level.  If you've never danced Salsa at all, Johnny and Kelly's regular Salsa class will of course still be happening as usual from 9:15-10:15.  $12 covers you for the whole night ($10 after 10:15).  If you're an expert and don't plan to take Johnny and Kelly's class, you will have an hour inbetween to practice, have a drink, or get a bite to eat downstairs.

If you've never heard of Casino Rueda, it's an "exhilarating" dance that comes from Cuba via Miami, that can best be described as "Salsa meets square dancing", or "sychronized Salsa".  It's a group Salsa dance, with partners in a circle, there's a caller and and a bunch of moves that everyone knows.  As the dance progresses, everyone does the same moves together, often trading partners as part of it.  The whole thing is a blast!  If you ever danced in Miami, it's extremely popular down there.

More details will be posted in www.salsaboston.com/sophias/rueda.html,
with a video clip as well.

 SalsaBoston T-Shirts are in!

T-shirts are in stock again!  Thanks to all who have made purchases! Just in time for the holidays, SalsaBoston.com T-shirts are in, and they look great!  Check them out at http://salsaboston.com/shirt Pick up 2 or more for $17.50 each, $2.50 off the $20 price. Show off your SalsaBoston colors wherever you dance!  Also, why not pick up some extra's to trade or give as gifts?

Anyway, 2 styles, regular T's and Girly-T's, standard sizes, 100% cotton. These are high quality shirts.  Proceeds help support salsaboston. com.  You can even order online.

             Sponsor News
  (please patronize the establishments
   that help bring you SalsaBoston.com)
"What's a sponsor?" email: info@salsaboston.com

- ! Viernes Con Clave !
Salsa Social/Party at the Brazilian Cultural Center.
DJ Hernan and the BCCNE invite you to this all salsa event Every other Friday

BCCNE is located at 310 Webster Ave, Cambridge
Ph. 617 547 5343 email bccne@mindspring.com
Near Inman Square, 1/2 block off Cambridge St. Depending
where you are coming from turn left or right at the Shell Station.
subway Red Line (Harvard) or Green (Lechmere) followed
by a walk or short ride on the 69 bus.
bus Stops include CT2, 83& 91.
Parking Free street parking is available.

Look for Hernan for Free Passes Hernan@bostonsalsero.com
Details: www.bostonsalsero.com


World Rhythms(TM) Dance, Health & Fitness Center
 and Salsalort.com

-Martial Arts
-World Dance

Keystone Plaza, 221 Chandler Street, Worcester, MA 01609.
This is near the intersection
of Park Avenue, in the same lot as Standard Electric.
If you are coming from Main Street, the Center
will be on your right just before you come to
Park Avenue.

(508) 792-0263, WorldRhythms@SALSAlort.com,
www.WorldRhythmsCenter.com (currently this domain re-directs
 to www.SALSAlort.com ... we will have the new World
Rhythms(TM) web site up soon!)

 This Week's Mailbag

1) Salsalegre NEW LOCATION July 12
2) Sol Y Canto Performance Schedule
3) Aprilon2 Update
4) La Timba Loca in RI, FREE concert July 11
5) Lessons with Dwayne and Kate

Dear friends,
3 lessons!! 2 Dances!! 2 D.J's!! 1 price!!
On  Saturday July 12 we will be holding our monthly
Salsa Social Dance at The Longfellow Club in Wayland
524 Boston Post Rd. (RT. 20) Wayland, MA for
directions call PH# 508-358-7355. There will be two
separate dance floors holding Two dances. In one room
there will be West Coast Swing in the other strictly
Latin. For one admission price of $10 you may travel
to and between both dances. There will be three
lessons beginning @ 8pm
1. Beginner Salsa 2. Beginner West Coast Swing
3. Intermediate West Coast Swing. We will hold our
July and August dance here as The Sons of Italy are
closed during these months. Any dancer interested in a
half price ticket please e-mail me your name and
mailing address by July 5th and I will be sure to send
this coupon promptly. I hope you all will join us on
this exiting venture!!

Amigos de Sol y Canto,
Returning to New Bedford and Springfield at last! Please join us at one of the most popular folk festivals in the area, Summerfest, this coming weekend, and later at the Springfield Library & Museum. No se pierdan a Sol y Canto en un festival divertido en New Bedford y en el museo de Springfield.

Featuring bilingual songs from our soon-to-be released CD, "El doble de amigos/Twice as Many Friends" on Rounder Kids (available August 26!)  at the family stages 7/5&6 and at the Springfield Museum. Tocaremos cancines de nuestro proxima grabacion, "El doble de amigos"-canciones infantiles bilingues para todas edades en el sello Rounder Kids (se lanza el 26 de agosto) !

To pre-purchase the new CD and view complete concert calendar : www.solycanto.com
Para pre-comprar el nuevo CD y ver nuestro calendario de conciertos visite nuestro sitio en la red.

Cheers/Saludos calidos,
Rosi, Sol y Canto

July 5 & 6, 2003, TRIO with bassist Carlos Del Pino
New Bedford Summerfest

Saturday, July 5
1:10-2:10 p.m.: Custom House Stage
3-3:50 p.m.:   Street Musician Stage
5-6:30 p.m.:  Williams Street Stage

Sunday, July 6
12:50-1:40 p.m.:  Family Waterfront Stage (concert)
3:00-3:50 p.m.:  National Parl Family Stage (concert)
4:50-5:50 p.m.:  Whaling Museum Theater (concert)

N.B. Some of the above are workshop stages, where several artists take turn performing 2-3 songs throughout the timeframe. En algunas tarimas participaremos en talleres en los cuales varios artistas se turnan tocando 2-3 canciones en total.

July 23, 2003 1 p.m. TRIO with bassist Carlos Del Pino
Springfield Library & Museum
corner of State & Chestnut St.
free show with museum admission
413-263-6800 ext. 379

Learn Salsa with April and Ahmed of New York's Eddie Torres
Dance Company!
The new Salsa session begins JULY 6th and 7th.


Aprilon2  has classes in TWO LOCATIONS!
SUNDAYS in South Station, Boston
New 4-week Session starts every month.
JULY session starts JULY 6th and 7th
You get a DISCOUNT for registering for more than one
class. DROP-INS WELCOME! No pre-registration required!

Starting Sunday, JULY 6th
179 South Street, 6th floor, South Station, Boston.

6-7:30 pm
Level I Salsa (Partnering and Footwork)
Fundamentals of leading and following, timing, connection, and
basic turns.

6-7:30 pm
Level II Salsa (Partnering and Footwork)
Turn combinations, body movement, and coordination of open

6-7:30 pm
This class is designed for Advanced beginners who are ready to
make the transition to the Intermediate class. Learn and
fine-tune fundamental leading and following techniques that are
essential to NY Style dancing. Get rid of bad habits! Guaranteed
to improve your dancing at ANY level!!

Wepa Salsa Sundays (Class and Party for $10):

* 8-9 pm Wepa Salsa class for ALL levels
* 9pm-midnight   Wepa Salsa Dance Party with DJ Nik and DJ Hernan
Weekly gathering of new and long time Salsa dancers for
non-stop music and dance.

Starting Monday, July 7th
VFW Post 299, 288 Green St, Central Square, Cambridge

6-7 pm
Level I Salsa (Partnering and Footwork)
Fundamentals of leading and following, timing, connection, and
basic turns.

7-8 pm
Level II Salsa (Partnering and Footwork)
Turn combinations, body movement, and coordination of open

8-9 pm ** MEN'S Styling and Spin Technique ** (with AHMED of
the Eddie Torres Dance Company). ALL LEVELS
Body isolations, arm and head detailing, footwork and creativity
while partnering. Partner drills with female followers to
incorporate styling techniques learned in class.

8-9 pm ** Ladies' Styling & Spin Technique ** All Levels
Isolations, head whips, elegant arms, spin drills and more!
Partner drills with male leads to incorporate styling techniques
learned in class.

9-10 pm
Levels III & IV Salsa (Partnering and Footwork)
Classic NY turn patterns, expanding the repertoire, open shine
challenge, creativity while partnering.

Cost for 4-week session:
One course per session: $50
Full time students: $45
Two courses per session: $90
Full time students: $85
Three courses per session: $120
Full time students: $110
Drop-in classes: $15

  *****  Saturday, JULY 12th will deliver the goods!

The lovely CINDY CARRION (formerly of Santo Rico, Descarga Latina,
Combinacion Magica, and Fuerza Latina Dance Co. NYC) will be joining
OSMAR PERRONES, director of the YAMULEE DANCE CO. NYC (formerly of Santo Rico
Dance Co.) in a day of SALSA WORKSHOPS + PARTY with Performances. see pics and bios of OSMAR & CINDY at Aprilon2.com

PLACE: ALL WORKSHOPS + PARTY/Performances will take place at:

             Fred Astaire Dance Studio
            179 South St. 6th floor
             South Station, Boston
             parking info and directions at Aprilon2.com

WORKSHOP Schedule:

             Footwork and Turn Patterns
                Learn from the pro's!! This couple's specialty is spinning!
Learn the                         technique and flava that make NYC dancers the
envy of salseros                        worldwide!!!

            Footwork and Turn Patterns

1 class $20, 2 classes $35, 3 classes $50

***Where can you find salseros burnin' the floor past 3am in Boston?? AT WEPA SIZZLIN' SALSA SATURDAYS!!! Sat. July 12th,

ALL AGES welcome,

Doors open at 10pm
Showtime at midnight with OSMAR PERRONES & CINDY CARRION of NYC cash BAR
DJ HERNAN spinning the best SALSA CLASICA, SALSA de hoy, merengue, bachata,

For more details, Aprilon2.com

$12 to sizzle in advance, $15 at the door
Purchase tickets at any Aprilon2 class or Sunday Social.


La Timba Loca at Waterplace Park in downtown Providence, Rhode Island Friday July 11, 2003 8pm outdoors and free!

Learn to Dance Salsa with MamBostOn2
“New York Style Salsa with a Boston Flair”


6:00pm - 7:00pm Level I Partnering & Freestyle Workshop
This course will cover the basic fundamentals of Leading, Following, Timing, Connection and Basic Turns 7:00pm - 8:00pm Level II Partnering & Freestyle Workshop This course is designed to enhance your Social & Club Dancing skills with emphasis on Turn Combinations, Body Movement and Individual Freestyle Steps

6:00pm - 7:00pm Level I Partnering & Freestyle Workshop
This course will cover the basic fundamentals of Leading, Following, Timing, Connection and Basic Turns 7:00pm - 8:00pm Spinning &  Styling Workshop This course will cover Body Isolations, Fancy Arms, Head Detailing, Head Whips, Spin Drills and more that will spice up your dancing! Partnering drills that will incorporate Spinning and Styling techniques learned in class

** Free Introductory Lesson with this flyer **
(No Partner Required, Children Welcomed  and Plenty of Free Off Street Parking Available)

ROXBURY, MA 02119 - (617) 635-1285
(This facility is newly renovated and air conditioned)

For more info:
Visit us online: http://www.mamboston2.com
Or email us: learn2dance@mamboston2.com

To subscribe to "Salsa Update", published approximately weekly, please send email with ONLY the word "subscribe" in the subject line to salsaupdate-request@salsaboston.com.

To unsubscribe, send email with ONLY the word "unsubscribe" in the subject line to salsaupdate-request@salsaboston.com.  Note that you may not be receiving this email directly from the Salsa Update list, but rather through another list that you are subscribed to.  If that is the case, the list handler will reject your unsubscribe request (since you are not on the list) and mail you some additional information on how you can remove yourself from other lists that may be forwarding mail to you.

To submit information to SalsaBoston.com for publishing or to inquire, send email to inquiries@salsaboston.com.  Announcements must be received by Monday each week to insure inclusion that week.  "Salsa Update" generally is published on Tuesday evening.

Please resubmit notices each week that you wish to have them published. All notices should be plain text only, ready to publish.  No attachments, rtf, or html please.  SalsaBoston.com reserves the right to edit or reject any announcements for any reason without notice.

  (c) Copyright 2003 SalsaBoston.com, all rights reserved

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