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Message From: SalsaBoston [moderator123@salsaboston.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 12:41 PM
To: 'salsaupdate@salsaboston.com'
Subject: #292: Cruise season moving ahead, ATN tonight

Hola Salseros!
     Formatting messed up?  Read this on the web at
     Subscription info: visit http://salsaboston.com/list

(Why is it snowing outside?)

So... have you ever looked up the word "chagrin" in the dictionary?  Here's what it says: "disquietude or distress of mind caused by humiliation, disappointment, or failure." It's a good word, very telling, good ring to it.  Well, much to my _chagrin_, the plans for the Saturday "Miami Club at <insert venu>" have failed again, this time of course at the Radisson as previously rumored.  Salseros, this has been a frustrating battle of indecision, reversals, wishy-washiness, and even deceit by the management of no less than four venues over the last year. BUT!  I promise I will find you a place that will become Boston's hottest Salsa party!  Stay tuned.

See you at An Tua Nua tonight of course!  www.salsaboston.com/antuanua

On another note, there has been a suggestion to do instructor and DJ reviews on the website, similar to the club reviews.  There is a little poll on the home page, so vote if you want, and also feel free to email me your opinions or post them on the message board.

And of course, cruise season #6 approaches!  We have a lot of interest in group bookings tis year so the parties will be bigger and better than ever.  Contact me asap if you have a group outing in mind.  Also, I am told the boat will have an official Mojito making machine on board this year.  We'll be testing it out fairly soon to insure that it meets our high standards.

Salsa/Latin Summer Harbor Cruises!
"Boston's best kept secret!"

2006 Dates are out!  Every Sunday, June 11 - Sept. 17
June: 11,18,25
July: 2,9,16,23,30
August 6,13,20,27
Sept 3,10,17

Special Cruises: July 4 (Tuesday, 8pm-11 w/ fireworks)
Sept. 3 is Labor Day Holiday (the next day is a holiday)

We are currently booking corporate parties and such to for this summer's Salsa/Latin cruise series.  The cruises are of course going to continue as always, but we're booking these parties to help make the party each week bigger and better.  If your company is interested, or you belong to a social group, college organization, or are a promoter that might be interested in having a group attend on a specific date, please let me know who to contact about it (email olaf@salsaboston.com) and we'll send some information to them.  Private charters are available too. Last year's website: www.salsaboston.com/cruise
 info is still correct.

See you on the dancefloor!

In this issue:

>> Salsa Briefs:
- For the casual: salsa at Masa, Thursdays
- Congress DVD's for sale

>> SalsaBoston Events:
- Salsa Night on Wednesdays at An Tua Nua
- Salsa Cruises--book your 2006 groups now

>> Rueda de Casino in Boston

>> This Week's Mailbag (see below)

Salsa Briefs:

* Have you checked out Masa?  If you're up for a casual night and some dining and an upscale bar, this place is cool on Thursdays.  Casual lesson around 10pm, a mix of music, no cover.  439 Trement St, South End, Boston

* If you missed the Congress or if you enjoyed it but didn't make it to the congress shop, the DVD will be out by mid November at the latest and probably sooner, and also Congress embroidered shirts (mens and ladies), caps, and hand towels are available.  We still have a lot of things to pay for this year, so every purchase helps out.  Shirts and the video are $20 each, and the caps and towels $10.  Buy any two and you get $5 off, so the video and a shirt would be $35. www.salsaboston.com/congress/shop


Salsa Night at An Tua Nua with SalsaBoston
every Wednesday

Boston's original "All Salsa by Salseros for Salseros" party, over 5 years running!

835 Beacon St., 1 block outbound from Kenmore Square, near Fenway Park
SalsaBoston: (617) 513-9841
An Tua Nua: (617) 262-2121 (for directions only)
More details and directions: www.salsaboston.com/antuanua

8:00pm: Casino Rueda Lessons with Jam'Nastics, all levels
9:00pm: Salsa with Johnny and Kelly, beginner and intermediate

10pm-1am: Salsa Dance with DJ Hernan and DJ D. Martinez

$10 cover, $2 per lesson additional, 21+
Call 617-513-9841 for details about Salsa Night
For a discount coupon, visit the website.

An Tua Nua is a great contemporary Irish bar & grill on Beacon Street just outside of Kenmore Square (only about 3 blocks from Sophia's).  In the back they have a dance club about the same size as the upstairs at Sophia's, with a sizable dance floor that holds about 150 people, a bar, and plenty of lounge seating. 

Close to the green line (St. Mary's on the C train, Fenway on the D, Kenmore on the B), plenty of street and lot parking.

Irish/America/Bar food available until 10pm.  I have eaten there regularly, it is very tasty and modestly priced.

Note: they have Karaoke with my man Kev-Mac Daddy in the front portion of the bar when you walk in, but don't let that scare you... Salsa is in the back room!  Full Bar.  Please check your coat.

More info, discounts, and directions: www.salsaboston.com/antuanua

Boston Harbor Salsa Cruises, each summer
Book your corporate and group parties now

We just scheduled this year's 6th Annual Salsa Habor Cruise Series!  Expanded from last
year, we're starting a week earlier, and ending a week later.  Every Sunday plus July 4.  In a few weeks we'll have a flyer out for group bookings and the cruise website will be updated.  If you think your company or organization might want to book a group outing, now is the time to plan it.  One way is simply to take the flyer-to-be to your HR department or event planner and say "Hey, we should do this!"  If you're a coordinator of a social club or an event promoter, opportunities to partner with us for some cruises us are available.  Email olaf@salsaboston.com or call 617-513-9841  Last year's website: www.salsaboston.com/cruise

Private charters available too.

Rueda de Casino ... SALSA !
You've seen salsa danced "in a circle", changing partners, performing a variety of fast-paced moves.

Learn this fun way to dance Salsa by joining one of the many FREE practices offered almost every day of the week around Boston.  Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced circles!

Lots of opportunities this month to learn Rueda de Casino Salsa! Visit this site to find out about workshops: http://bostonrueda.wikispaces.com

 This Week's Mailbag

1) Havana Club Update
2) Fund Raiser for kids performing in Puerto Rico, April 8, Chicopee, MA
3) Western Mass Update from Meli Morash
4) Obinni Tumbao next Thur. at Regattabar
5) Salsa Cubana Update, Western Front
6) Noche Latina lessons in Newton


Dear Friends,
This is the week that Havana Saturdays opensat the Havana Club Ballroom in Central Square!Grupo Fantasia will be playing an excellent mix ofsalsa, merengue, bachata and cha cha. Let's get this party started right! .. And, of course, Friday Night Salsa rocks on!Photos and Videos from last week's parties can beseen online at http://HavanaClubSalsa.com


Friday Night Salsa @ Havana Club
Havana Club, 288 Green Street, Central Square, Cambridge
* 8:30-9:30 Beg, Int, & Adv Rueda Lessons w/ Ivan,Lino, & MIT Rueda Group* 9:30-10:30pm Beginner & Intermediate Salsa Lesson w/ Salsa y Control
* 10:30pm-2am Salsa Dance Party w/ DJ Cuban Jeff
* Admission is $12 Ages: 18+ w/ college ID.  FullBar. Dress: Smart Casual to Fashionable.

Havana Saturdays @ Havana Club
Havana Club, 288 Green Street, Central Square, Cambridge
* 8:30-9:30pm Beginner & Intermediate LatinLessons w/ Jeff & Ivan
* 9:30-10:30pm Beginner & Intermediate Salsa Lessons w/ Jeff & Ivan
* 10:30pm-2am Dance Party w/ Grupo Fantasia* Admission is $12 Ages: 18+ w/ college ID.  FullBar. Dress: Smart Casual to Fashionable.

This is going to be awesome! (Fund raiser for Salsa Kids Inc. to participate in the Puerto Rico Salsa Congress)

Salsa Social dedicated to Thomas Guerrero from Santo Rico Dance Company NYC.

Saturday April 8, 2006  at  TRUMPETS (banquet Hall)
                                          450 Memorial Drive
                                          Chicopee MA

                      FREE BUFFET      *  FREE BUFFET

Live music from Viti Ruiz , Komboloko & DJ Qremoso

Group Performances from
                NYC:  Santo Rico Kids
                          Special Performance by
                          Benji & Ahtoy (Santo Rico Pro Team)
           BOSTON: Salsa Y COntrol
     NEW HAVEN: Mambo Mezcla

Tickets $ 20 In Advance    ALL AGES       7:00 PM to 2:00 AM
Call;   413.433.2722   -   413.244.2564    -   860.680.9299

From Meli Morash
Western Mass Update

April 14:  I am teaching for a benefit dance for, American Stroke Assoc.  Please check www.dancenorthampton.com
  for more info.

APRIL 23: Advance Salsa Workshop.. at the Dancenorthampton..Myself and Chico..  Polish your Salsa moves. I have a great response from all my Salsa Friends .. hope to see you there.

Weekly Event Schedule:

Tuesday : 
   [at Dancenorthampton?  ed.]
   Salsa "Advance Beginners" from 7.00 to 8.00 pm
   Beginners Salsa from 8.00 to 9.00 pm
   Intermediate Salsa from 8.00 to 9.00 pm
     After practice time we go to Iron Horse.

Wednesday: Center of the Arts.
   Salsa lessons: beginners and Intermediate  from 7.00 to 8.30 Pm... We dance till 11.00 Pm..

Friday: Trumpets in Chicopee.. Dance class from 9.00 to 10.00 Pm.. Dance till 2.00 am..

Sunday: Second Sunday Dance in Northampton Country Club, 7.00 Pm. They will teach Cha Cha Cha.

Obbini Tumbao--Latin Groove Band
(Nominated for Phoenix Best Music Poll 2006!)

 The Regattabar
Thursday, April 13th

Salsa dance lesson with Hips on Fire at 8:30pm!!


Thanks to all who came for Salsa Cubana's Grand Opening in our new home at The Western Front.  And a special thank you to Marcello and friends of Kilombo Mambo who surprized us with their congas and cowbells and played live drumming for us!  What can I say?  The guys are amazing!  And man, were those Yucca Fritters good! Now I know why Rey boasts about his cooking!  :o)  Join us next month when we do it all again on April 27th.
Salsa Cubana Wants to Know What You Think! 
Please Take Our 3 Minute Survey. http://www.questionpro.com/akira/TakeSurvey?id=412931

Salsa Cubana @ the Western Front

The Western Front
343 Western Ave, Cambridge MA
(617) 492-7772
Cost: $10 - includes dance classes! (18+)
Click here to see directions to the "unofficial" parking lot of the Western Front.

Salsa Cubana will be at our NEW HOME every 4th Thursday at The Western Front. Boston's only regular Cuban dance party!  Dance to the best son, salsa, and timba from Cuba with DJ Adrian!  Cuban style salsa lesson at 9pm.  Party from 10pm to 2am! FREE Cuban salsa compilations for the first 30 people!  Start your weekend off RIGHT!


The new session of Cambridge Cuban Salsa Workshop Series starts Sunday, April 2nd.  Also, Rey and I will be performing live this Friday , April 7th on the BNN TV show El Show De Fernadito.  Details below!  :o)

Cuban Style Salsa Workshop Series (Casino and Rueda De Casino) Sundays April 2nd through May 14th @ The Dance Complex 536 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA (Central Sq)

Adv Beginners/Intermediate
Sundays 1:30p to 2:30p
(Studio 2) Cost: $12/Class

Sundays 3:00p to 4:00p
(Studio 5) Cost: $12/Class

Learn the latest salsa steps with Reynaldo Gonzalez and Jennifer Jonay, direct from Havana!   1. Partnering and Turns   2. Despelote and Cuban body movement   3. Rueda De Casino   4. The influence of the dances: Son, Mambo, Chacha-cha, and Rumba in Cuban Salsa.

Friday, April 7th @ 6:30pm
El Show De Fernandito Live Casino Performance
BNN Channel 9 and RCN 15/83 @ 6:30pm
SCAT Channel 3 Saturday at 9pm
CCTV Channel 22 Sunday & Thursday at 7pm
Reynaldo Gonzalez and Jennifer Jonay, leaders of the Baila Con Timba performance team,  will perform for the live BNN TV show "El Show De Fernandito".  Be prepared for a fun filled Casino (Cuban Salsa) performance!
Repeat Time Boston Shows: Saturday 3:30am, Saturday 2:30pm, Monday 1:00am

Viva El Casino!
Mrs. Jennifer S. Jonay

Tuesdays @ Union Street
Beginner & Advanced Beginner: 6:45pm-8:00pm
FREE Introductory Lesson: 8:00pm-8:15pm
Intermediate/Advanced: 8:15pm-9:30pm
Salsa Night with DJ ALI and Special Guests DJ'S from 9:00pm-Midnight

Classes taught by Hedwige Louis/Melissa Wolfson and Co.

Classes $13 includes salsa night!!!
Full Menu/Bar/Free Parking/T accessible

Contact: (617) 595-1799 or LDCsalsa@yahoo.com">NLDCsalsa@yahoo.com

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Salsa Lessons with Johnny and Kelly
Visit Salsaweb.com