From: SalsaBoston [] Sent:
Tuesday, May 01, 2007 10:58 AM Subject: #347: Salsa Update moving to
Hola Salseros! Formatting messed
up? Read this on the web at
Subscription info: visit
a heads up: by popular demand (so far...) "Salsa Update is going to be published
on Tuesdays heretofore. Please submit your listings by Tuesday at 9am to
insure inclusion.
See you Wednesday An Tua Nua! Also, there's a
Salsa themed benefit tonight at Revolution Lounge, downtown. See mailbag
for details.
If you're waiting for cruise details and such from us, we
got your requests--please hang on. We're a little behind, sorry!
Should be out this week.
Just 1.5 short months until the
cruise season begins! Tentatively the first cruise will be on June 10th,
and then every Sunday through mid-September, plus July 4th as
Last year's site is still accurate, though the days of the month
are wrong. That will be updated very soon.
is the time to start planning a group outing! Do you work for a
company? Consider asking them to sponsor a night at the cruises!
Many companies have funds set aside for funding fun things for their
employees. Send me a note and I'll fwd you our group outings letter to
give to your HR department. Private charters
are available too.
Also, if you're a promoter or are looking for some a
great marketing internship opportunities with the cruises, contact me as
Lastly, we are looking for cruise sponsors. If your firm is
looking to market to a diverse latin-oriented community this summer, this year's
sixteen-cruise series is the perfect opportunity for some great
Join us each and every week at An Tua Nua for classes
and great dancing. Schedule (every Wednesday): "How'd They Do
That?!" Class, 7pm Casino Rueda Lesson 8pm Salsa Lesson at
9pm Dancing, 10-1am 21+, $10 cover, +$2/lesson 835 Beacon St.
Kenmore Square/Fenway 617-513-9841 for questions
out the unique new class entitled:
>> "How'd They Do That?!"
"Did you ever try to learn some steps in a Salsa class but felt
like you couldn't quite make them work on the dance floor? Did you ever
see a Rueda move that you couldn't get? Did you ever watch some amazing
cool move that you just couldn't figure out? Whether you are just getting
started with Salsa or you are already an experienced dancer, you can get the
answers in this new drop-in class at An Tua Nua every Wednesday.
Anara and other local instructors each week at 7:00 pm to get all your Salsa or
Rueda questions answered! Students will work interactively in small
groups, based on their level, questions, and goals."
Class Time:
7pm More details in the mailbag.
... and see you at
Cabana Mondays at FELT as well!
dancing! -Olaf
*************** In this
issue: *************** >>> Featured news: <<< -
Salsa Wednesdays at AN TUA NUA
- Cabana Mondays is sizzlin' at
- For the casual: Salsa at Masa,
>>> SalsaBoston Events: <<< - Salsa
Night on Wednesdays at An Tua Nua - Cabana Mondays at
>>> Rueda de Casino in Boston
>>> This Week's Mailbag
***************** Featured
News *****************
Workshop 8pm Casino Rueda
Lesson* 9pm Salsa Lesson w/ Johnny and
Kelly* 10pm-1am
Salsa! *Beginner and
Intermediate., no partner needed for
discounts and info or call 617-513-9841 An Tua
Nua 835 Beacon St. Kenmore Sq/Fenway, Boston
Cabana Mondays is HEATING UP!
The new hotspot! Cabana Mondays at
Felt! Salseros, come check it out. It's a classy, fabulous place, no
cover, charming staff (big shoutout to Farah and Vanessa of Felt!), and of
course Boston's finest Salsa as always from D.Martinez and Hernan. Salsa
for Gringos lesson at 7pm for the newbies--send your non-dancing friends over in
advance. Come help make this party happen! Lots of special nights
coming up over there as well.
Have you checked out Masa? If you're up for a casual night and some dining
and an upscale bar, this place is cool on Thursdays. Casual lesson around
10pm, a mix of music, no cover. 439 Tremont St, South End,
****************** SALSABOSTON
EVENTS ******************
******************************************* Salsa
Night at An Tua Nua with SalsaBoston every
Wednesday *******************************************
original "All Salsa by Salseros for Salseros" party, over 5 years
835 Beacon St., 1 block outbound from Kenmore Square, near
Fenway Park SalsaBoston: (617) 513-9841 An Tua Nua: (617) 262-2121 (for
directions only) More details and directions:
7:00: Intermediate Casino Rueda
Workship 8:00pm: Casino Rueda Lessons with Jam'Nastics, all levels 9:00pm:
Salsa with Johnny and Kelly, beginner and intermediate
10pm-1am: Salsa
Dance with DJ Hernan and DJ D. Martinez
$10 cover, $2 per lesson
additional, 21+ Call 617-513-9841 for details about Salsa Night For a
discount coupon, please visit the website.
An Tua Nua is a great
contemporary Irish bar & grill on Beacon Street just outside of Kenmore
Square (only about 3 blocks from Sophia's). In the back they have a dance
club about the same size as the upstairs at Sophia's, with a sizable dance floor
that holds about 150 people, a bar, and plenty of lounge seating.
to the green line (St. Mary's on the C train, Fenway on the D, Kenmore on the
B), plenty of street and lot parking.
Irish/America/Bar food available
until 10pm. I have eaten there regularly, it is very tasty and modestly
Note: they have Karaoke with my man Kev-Mac Daddy in the front
portion of the bar when you walk in, but don't let that scare you... Salsa is in
the back room! Full Bar. Please check your coat.
More info,
discounts, and directions:
************************** Cabana
Mondays at FELT **************************
"A Casual Salsa Night at a
Classy Place"
Salseros, come check it out. It's a classy, fabulous
place, no cover, charming staff, and of course Boston's finest Salsa as always
from D.Martinez and Hernan.
Salsa for Gringos lesson at 7pm for the
newbies--send your non-dancing friends over in advance.
$10 for the
class, no cover for dancing.
Lots of special nights as well.
FELT 533 Washington St, Boston, MA (617) 350-5555 Between Downtown
Crossing and Chinatown
*********************************************************************** Rueda
de Casino ... SALSA
! ***********************************************************************
seen salsa danced "in a circle", changing partners, performing a variety of
fast-paced moves.
Learn this fun way to dance Salsa by joining one of the
many FREE practices offered almost every day of the week around Boston.
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced circles!
Lots of opportunities this
month to learn Rueda de Casino Salsa! Visit this site to find out about
**************************** This
Week's Mailbag **************************** (SalsaBoston is
not affiliated with nor endorses these listings except
where noted. This information is just passed along as we receive it.
If you have a good or bad experience, please let others
know on the SalsaBoston message board.)
Havana Club Update 2) Sunday, May 13, Tito Rojas 3) Salsa Night Band on
the Vineyard May 5 4) Salsa Benefit this Tuesday 5) MIT Salsa Club Annual
Social Sat. May 19, Looking for volunteers 6) Cinco de Mayo fest at Felt,
Friday May
******************************************************************* 1)
Havana Saturdays at the Havana Club Ballroom in Central Square
is a hit. And, of course, Friday Night Salsa rocks on! Photos and Videos
from last week's parties can be seen online at
Sincerely, Jeff
Night Salsa @ Havana Club Havana Club, 288 Green Street, Central Square,
Cambridge * 8:30-9:30 Beg, Int, & Adv Rueda Lessons w/ Ivan, Lino, &
MIT Rueda Group * 9:30-10:30pm Beginner & Intermediate Salsa Lesson w/
Salsa y Control * 10:30pm-2am Salsa Dance Party w/ DJ Cuban Jeff *
Admission is $12 Ages: 18+ w/ college ID. Full Bar. Dress: Smart Casual
to Fashionable.
Friday Night Salsa is Boston's salsa hot spot! Friday
Night Salsa brings together 300-400 cool, classy people of all skills levels.
Beginners are very welcome and the party is a safe environment where everyone
dances with - and respects - everyone else.
The Havana Club Ballroom is a
stunning space with a spacious 5400 sq. ft. smooth wood dance floor, raised
performance stage, club lighting, excellent sound system, and full cash bar.
There is a Parking Garage next door ($1/hr), and the party is one block from
Public Transport on Mass Ave.
Havana Saturdays @ Havana
Club Havana Club, 288 Green Street, Central Square, Cambridge *
8:30-9:30pm Beginner Latin Lessons w/ Ivan * 9:30-10:30pm Beginner &
Intermediate Salsa Lessons w/ Jeff & Ivan * 10:30pm-2am Dance Party w/
Rumba Na Ma * Admission is $12 Ages: 18+ w/ college ID. Full
Bar. Dress: Smart Casual to Fashionable.
The perfect follow-up to
Friday Night Salsa, Havana Saturdays features the beautiful Havana
Club ballroom, 250+ cool people and live music every week! Beginners
are very welcome and the party is a safe environment where everyone dances
with - and respects - everyone
******************************************************************* 2) Sunday
May 13, 2007 Tito Rojos "El Gallo Salsero" (Salsa) And El Jeffrey
(Merengue) LIVE! At The Roxy 279 Tremont St. Boston, Ma. Doors open at 8pm
Tickets: $30.00pp 21+ Event Proper Dress/ID For more:
******************************************************************* 3) Salsa
Night Band: We are pleased to invite all our friends/fans to the Outerland,
(formerly known as the Hot Tin Roof) in Martha's Vineyard, this comming Sat. May
5th. We will be celerating this important day with lots of salsa and
dancing. The Outerland is a very popular venue in the Island and it houses
700. We do expect to see close to that number of salsa
lovers/dancers. Hope you can make it. For more info visit . Thank
******************************************************************* 4) DANCE
Tuesday, May 1st, 9:00-12:00 midnight, strictly dancing, get there
early. At Revolution Lounge Downstairs, 200 High Street, Boston, State
Street/Aquarium area (easy street parking on week nights) $8, all profits go
to charity (see below for more info)
Also: Going away party for Ana B.,
who is returning to Croatia (and is terribly sad to have to say goodbye to
DJ Travis, 100% salsa out of control This is a charming and
trendy venue with a great floor and atmosphere. I hope to see you
Questions? 617 230-0956
--What will the donations
VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas) is an international development
charity that works through volunteers in developing countries in Africa, Asia,
Eastern Europe and Latin America. Instead of sending money, food or clothes, the
organization engages skilled people from a variety of professions to live and
work in the communities during a two-year service commitment.
- examples
of what some of around 4,000 VSO volunteers around the world do: Pediatrician
in Uganda Occupational therapist in Sri Lanka Science teacher in
Guyana Accountant in Pakistan Math teacher in Namibia Biomedical
scientist in Ethiopia Eco-tourism advisor in Vietnam Social worker in
Kazakhstan Nurse in Kenya IT trainer in Ethiopia Pharmacist in
Cameroon Marine biologist in the
******************************************************************* 5) MIT
Salsa Club is still looking for a couple more volunteers for this year's
The 2nd Annual MIT Salsa Social is Saturday, May 19 in
the Sala de Puerto Rico room of Stratton Student Center.
MIT Salsa
Club is hosting an evening of dancing and performances from local dance
We're going to need your support. If you can
volunteer at this year's event, please email Chris at
Like last year, all volunteers will only work
between 30 minutes to an hour. In other words, volunteering to help out
will be like taking a short break from the dance floor to help the club.
You'll also get into the event for free! If you can help the club,
please email Chris soon with your name and email address
******************************************************************* 6) Cinco
de Mayo at Felt (Friday May 4)
Sponsored by Sauza Tequila 1st floor:
Alejandro Valesquez's Spanish guitar 2nd floor: SALSA: Mambo Slaves
performing and tequila drinks 3nd floor: Get your picture taken with Pepe
Lopez and his burro. 4th floor: Dj spins Latin dance classics Felt 533
Washington Street 8pm No cover RSVP: or
(781) 413-7219