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Message From: SalsaBoston [moderator123@salsaboston.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 11:42 AM
Subject: #359: Special performance at An Tua Nua tonight, last two cruises coming up

Hola Salseros!
     Formatting messed up?  Read this on the web at
     Subscription info: visit http://salsaboston.com/list

TONIGHT!  At An Tua Nua, we have a special out of town performance, arranged by Hacha Y Machete:
  Mark and Lisa from the U.K.
  Performing the debut of their show "El Todopoderoso"
Scroll down a bit for tonight's An Tua Nua details.


New news from Havana Club this week.  New place for Saturdays opening Sept. 29.  See mailbag.


We have our last Sunday cruise coming up this weekend (Sept. 16), followed by our special...

  "100th Salsa Cruise!"   Sat. Sept. 22

Celebrating the end of 7 seasons of Salsa Cruises!
8-11pm, plus dockside preparty and lesson, and and afterparty as usual.
Tickets go on sale later this week.

Sunday Sept. 16th will likely SELL OUT at the dock.
http://salsaboston.com/cruise or scroll down.


Join us at An Tua Nua for meeting great people, classes, and fabulous dancing!
   WED SEPT. 12:
7pm – "How'd They Do That" Workshop: Tonight: Focus on hand-switching techniques in partnering – all levels
8pm - Rueda de Casino Lesson, all levels. FEATURED ADVANCED MOVES THIS WEEK: Sombrero de Guano
9pm - Salsa (on1) Lesson with Johnny, Kelly, and Andres
10pm-1am - non-stop dancing!
21+, 7pm onwards $20, 8pm on $14, 9pm on $12 (7pm class works out to just $6!)
835 Beacon St. Kenmore Square/Fenway 617-513-9841 for questions
http://salsaboston.com/antuanua for more info and discounted admission.


Check out the latests Cruise Photos!

Join us this Sunday, September 16, for the 15th Salsa Harbor Cruise of the 2007 season!
Cruise tickets are on sale online now!
$19 advance, all ages.    http://salsaboston.com/cruise

  6:00 preparty begins at "The Landing", Boston's lovely harborside beer garden
  6:30 Beginner dockside Salsa Lesson with Johnny and Kelly
  7:30 Boarding, dancing begins, latin buffet served
  8:00-10:15 CRUISE!  2 decks of dancing, plus the 3rd level observation deck
       Salsa with DJ D. Martinez and Latin with DJ Mike Mercado of Vincent's
  10:15 Return, after-cruise party at Mojitos, free for attendees

While we make every effort to keep the price affordable, unfortunately this year there is a $2 per passenger fuel surcharge to make up for the high price of gasoline.  However, we got them to give us a bit more time on the water this year to make up for it.

Also, do you work for a company?  Have them set up a group outing for you, and they might even pay for it!  Many HR departments have budgets for that.  Here's the flyer:

*** We are looking for cruise sponsors ***  If your firm is looking to market to a diverse  community this summer, this year's sixteen-cruise series is the perfect opportunity for some great direct advertising exposure to over 5000 individuals who attend, plus our extensive marketing campaign.  Contact olaf@salsaboston.com for inquiries, or call 617-513-9841.

Keep dancing!


Salsa Night at An Tua Nua with SalsaBoston
every Wednesday

Boston's original "All Salsa by Salseros for Salseros" party, over 6.5 years running!

835 Beacon St., 1 block outbound from Kenmore Square, near Fenway Park
SalsaBoston: (617) 513-9841
An Tua Nua: (617) 262-2121 (for directions only)
More details and directions: www.salsaboston.com/antuanua

** Have you checked out Masa?  If you're up for a casual night and some dining and an upscale bar, this place is cool on Thursdays.  Casual lesson around 10pm, a mix of music, no cover.  439 Tremont St, South End, Boston

      7pm Personalized Salsa Instruction (AKA "How'd They Do That?!")
      8pm Casino Rueda Lesson (w/ Anara and the Gang, beginner through advanced levels)
      9pm Salsa Lesson (w/ Johnny and Kelly, beginner and intermediate levels)
      10:15pm-1am Salsa!
   http://salsaboston.com/antuanua for discounts and info or call 617-513-9841
   An Tua Nua
   835 Beacon St. Kenmore Sq/Fenway, Boston

$10 cover, $2 per lesson additional, 21+
**Note: $6 for 7pm class
Call 617-513-9841 for details about Salsa Night
For a discount coupon, please visit the website.

An Tua Nua is a great contemporary Irish bar & grill on Beacon Street just outside of Kenmore Square (only about 3 blocks from Sophia's).  In the back they have a dance club about the same size as the upstairs at Sophia's, with a sizable dance floor that holds about 150 people, a bar, and plenty of lounge seating.

Close to the green line (St. Mary's on the C train, Fenway on the D, Kenmore on the B), plenty of street and lot parking.

Irish/America/Bar food available until 10pm.  I have eaten there regularly, it is very tasty and modestly priced.

Note: they have Karaoke with my man Kev-Mac Daddy in the front portion of the bar when you walk in, but don't let that scare you... Salsa is in the back room!  Full Bar.  Please check your coat.

More info, discounts, and directions: http://www.salsaboston.com/antuanua

 This Week's Mailbag
   (SalsaBoston is not affiliated with nor endorses these listings except
    where noted.  This information is just passed along as we receive it.  If
    you have a good or bad experience, please let others know on the
    SalsaBoston message board.)

1) Havana Club Update, Saturdays Open at Villa Victoria (JHCC) Sept. 29, Fridays rocks on
2) Classes with Johnny and Kelly
3) Hacha: classes and dance group for kids/teens
4) MIT Salsa Club: classes resume and new website
5) Obbini Tumbao Friday, September 14th @ 7:30 pm, Regatta Bar
6) Hispanic Heritage, Sept. 16 live music and lessons all day at BIG E fair, Springfield
7) Jose Alberto, "El Canario" in Providence, Oct. 13
8) Massicot's long awaited DVD Release, Saturday, September 22, Charlestown
9) Ferndando's Hideaway, fundraising appeal, plus Party coming up October 20 at Tabu


Dear Friends,

It is my pleasure to announce that *Havana Saturdays has found a new home and will re-open Saturday, September 29th at the Villa Victoria's Jorge Hernandez Cultural Center!* Built as a Lutheran Church in 1898 and converted into a 450 person capacity performance venue, the JHCC is one of Boston's most beautiful spaces. Located in the historic South End, near the corner of Mass Ave and Tremont Streets (at 85 West Newton Street), our new venue has it all,
including: a performance stage, club lighting and sound, a balcony overlooking the main dancefloor, and so much more.

Havana Saturdays will feature Javier Arroyo's Salsa Night Band, Grupo Sazon and Cinco Son the first three weeks. The party will be 18+ (w. college ID) and will be a cool, classy cultural event that brings people together in a healthy way that reflects not only the beautiful look and feel of the space, but also its original

I'll have more details about the new party new week, but for now let me just say that I am pumped! And when you guys see the place, you will be
So *mark your calendars, tell your friends, email the contacts on your lists, and let the word go forth - Havana Saturdays will rock again!*

As for this week, there will be *no party this Saturday,* but we will
celebrate in
Havana Club style this Friday!

Photos and Videos from last week's parties can be seen online at http://HavanaClubSalsa.com
Friday Night Salsa w. Havana Club
288 Green Street, Central Square, Cambridge

* 8:30-9:30 Beg, Int, & Adv Rueda Lessons w/ Anara, Lino, & MIT Rueda Group
* 9:30-10:30pm Beginner & Intermediate Salsa Lesson w/ Salsa y Control
* 10:30pm-2am Salsa Dance Party w/ DJ Cuban Jeff
* Admission is $12 Ages: 21+.  Full Bar.
Dress: Smart Casual to Fashionable.

Friday Night Salsa is Boston's salsa hot spot! Friday Night Salsa brings together 250+ cool, classy people of all skills levels. Beginners are very welcome and the party is a safe environment where everyone dances with - and respects - everyone else.

The party is held in a stunning space with a spacious
5400 sq. ft. smooth wood dance floor, raised performance stage, club lighting, excellent sound system, and full cash bar. There is a Parking Garage next door ($1/hr), and the party is one block from Public Transport on Mass Ave.



Transform yourself this fall.  Add color to your daily routine with Salsa. Johnny & Kelly?s Fall Session starts next week!

Learn sexy salsa moves, turn patterns and funky freestyle footwork. Practice your body movement, isolations, and styling. Weekly studio classes offered at three levels?Beginner, Advanced 
Beginner and Intermediate/Advanced.

Part III of Salsa Body Mechanics and Styling for Ladies will start on 
Monday, 9/17.  Part III will be a 4-week session focusing on lower 
body movement and spinning.  Learn to dance fluidly and gracefully, 
moving your shoulders, ribcage, arms, and hips harmoniously.  
Incorporate these basic movements into your styling and build on them.

Coming later in the Fall? Bachata class!  For all you Bachata 
aficionados, we?ll have a course at the end of the Fall session.  Stay 
tuned for details.

And, Johnny & Kelly?s monthly salsa workshops are continuing!    
Specialty workshops are a great way to refine your dancing by 
concentrating on different aspects of the dance and music.  Each 
month, we teach a 1 1/2-hour workshop on a specific topic.  Stay tuned 
for details on the September workshop.

Join Johnny and Kelly for some ?on 1? fun!

Beginner:       Tuesdays at 7:00pm ? 8:30pm, starting September 11th
                Jose Mateo?s Ballet Theatre in the Old Cambridge Baptist Church
                400 Harvard St. in Cambridge, Studio 3
                (Church faces Mass. Ave., near the intersection with Harvard St.)
                (Studio entrance on the side facing the Inn at Harvard.)
                 Near the Harvard Square T stop on the Red Line
                Street parking or parking lot ($3) available from Kelly or the Front Desk.

Beginner:       Thursdays at 8:00pm ? 9:30pm, starting September 13th
                Dance Complex
                536 Mass. Ave. in Cambridge, Studio 5
                Near the Central Square T stop on the Red Line
                Public parking lots or street parking available
Beginner:                Mondays at 8:30pm ? 10:00pm, starting September 10th
                Jose Mateo?s Ballet Theatre in the Old Cambridge Baptist Church
                (See above for details.)

Intermediate:     Tuesdays at 8:45pm ? 10:15pm, starting September 11th
                Jose Mateo?s Ballet Theatre in the Old Cambridge Baptist Church
                (See above for details.)

Ladies:          Mondays at 7:00pm ? 8:00pm, starting September 17th
                Jose Mateo?s Ballet Theatre in the Old Cambridge Baptist Church
                (See above for details.)

Weekly studio classes are $15 each or five classes for $60.  All 5 
classes of a package must be taken within the Fall Session, which 
lasts 13-15 weeks, depending on the class.

Please e-mail or call with any questions.  We look forward to dancing 
with you!
Kelly:  kelly@salsaboston.com, (617) 522-7443
Johnny:  salsumba1@aol.com, (617) 312-6464


Salsa Classes, Kids and Teens Latin Group,
The Following Classes and Groups are at HYM Dance studio 101 Amesbury St. Lawrence, MA 01841 For more info email Victor@hymstyle.com or call 978-697-3858
Last Chance to Register for September or until class is full. 18 students MAX.
Call now and reserve your spot !!!!!! Sign Up Now!!!!
Salsa 1 - 6:30 to 7:30    $60
Salsa 2 - 7:30 to 8:30    $50
Salsa 3 - 8:30 to 9:30    $50
Class Descriptions are available at http://HYMStyle.com under Rhythm and Movement.

THURSDAYS 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Age 7 and up
Cost $60/month
Course will run with the school semester
Come in Sweats or Workout clothes Mini Dance Recital for Friends and Family
Advancement Classes available upon completion of course
REGISTER OR MORE INFO: 978.697.3858 or victor@hymstyle.com

MIT Salsa Club
Welcome back, Salseros!

We hope everyone had a great summer!  Everyone is extremely excited about the new season.  Please read this entire email so that you can be up to date.
Beginner and Advanced Beginner Lessons resume this week;
our "Cool Moves Challenge" (Intermediate Lesson) begins
October 3. 

Click here for our lesson days, times, and locations: http://web.mit.edu/salsaclub/www/eventshome.shtml

Our New Website!
If you haven't been to our website lately, you'll notice
we've made some major renovations.  We've also made many
new additions.  Since our website has grown in size, here
are some descriptions and shortcuts to our new additions
(you might want to bookmark some of these):
We have a NEW splash page and a groovy NEW song: http://web.mit.edu/salsaclub/www/


Join us at the Regattabar!
Friday, September 14th @ 7:30 pm
Get your tickets today! Show will be sold out!

Obbini Tumbao is...
Pedro "Pedrito" Martinez - lead vocals / percussion
Rolando de los Reyes - lead vocal
Damian Padro - percussion / back up vocals
Alfredo Naranjo - vibes
Robin Eubanks - trombone
Mondongo - trombone
Anita Quinto - percussion / back up vocals
Mauricio Herrera - drumset
Rebecca Cline - keyboards / backup vocals
Gerry Rollock - baby bass

"One of the hottest Latin jazz outfits on the Boston Scene."
--Bob Young, Boston Herald

"If Mambo Kings Poncho Sanchez and Tito Puente got together to jam with Herb Alpert and Ry Cooder of the Buena Vista Social Club, it might sound something like Obbini Tumbao."
-- Liza Weisstuch, Boston Globe

The Regattabar
One Bennett Street (Harvard Square)
Cambridge MA 02138 · 617.661.5000
Cover $16 (two sets plus dance lesson included)
Tickets: http://www.getshowtix.com/regattabar/moreinfo.cgi?id=1259
Obbini Tumbao
Anita Quinto and Rebecca Cline
email: contact@obbinitumbao.com


Hispanic Heritage at "The Big E" Fair
Springfield, Sat. Sept. 16

Music Schedule:

In the Food Court 12 Noon          Salsa lessons with Meli Morash
12:15 pm          Latin Heartbeat Orquesta
1:10 pm            Fedelay
1:30 pm            Mary Ann's Dance class
1:45 pm            Salsa lessons with Meli Morash
2:00 pm            Latin Heartbeat Orquesta
2:50 pm            Nina Brown
3:05 pm            LHQ Danceforce
3:15 pm            Salsa lessons with Meli Morash
3:30 pm            Hector Cuevas & The Boston Latin Band
4:20 pm            Neury Luciano
4:45 pm            DANNA
5:00 pm            Grande Mardi Gras Parade
5:00 pm            Salsa lessons with Meli Morash
5:15 pm            Hector Cuevas & The Boston Latin Band

Jose Alberto, "El Canario"
Salsa Legends at the Rhodes
Rhodes on the Pawtuxet
60 Rhodes Pl. Cranston, RI
$25 admission
Sat. Oct. 13
Presented by Strictly Salsa Productions

Joel Massicot's Salsa DVD Release Party

Join us for another night of salsa dancing and the official release of Joel
Massicot's long awaited DVD Release!
Date: Saturday, September 22
Time: 8pm-12am
Entrance: $5 cover, all ages
Beginner/Intermediate Salsa Lesson: 8-9pm
Music to DJ & Performance!
Capacity is only 350! So get there early!
Location: Knights of Columbus; 75 West School St.; Charlestown, MA 02129
T accessible! (Orange Line - Community College Stop)

Joel's DVD Info:
"Music Interpretation 101 for Salsa Dancers"
Drawing upon his 23 years experience in music, Joel will help you understand
how to break down melodies to rhythms, rhythms to counts, & counts to steps.

DVD is for dancers of ALL Levels, On 1 and On 2! DVD includes:
- Pulse Explanation
- Timing Exercises
- Clave Explanation, Variations of Clave
- 5 Footwork Patterns! (Taught on 2)
- Bonus Features
DVDs will be on sale for $35 or pre-Order yours through Paypal today!
Visit the website for more information.


September 5, 2007
To Whom It May Concern:

This is on behalf of Fernando’s Hideaway, El Show de Fernandito, the bi-lingual multi-cultural entertainment show seen live on BNN (Boston Neighborhood Network), and then seen in Cambridge, Somerville, Revere, Malden, Lynn, Wakefield and Nashua, NH.

Hollywood Party!
On October 20th, the show is holding its second Hollywood Party fundraiser at Tabu Lounge in Saugus, MA with an after-party at the Mojitos nightclub in Boston! The proceeds from this not-to-be missed event, will go towards equipment and compensation for those who help keep the show going and growing.

Support the arts and education!
Your tax-deductible contribution will help Fernando’s Hideaway in our ongoing mission to expose local talent and provide free training for the young reporters we feature in our on-location segments.

How you can help!
It’s easy to contribute, and you can do so for under $1,000. You may contribute for any amount different than the ticket price. We will be glad to discuss any contribution that you and your business care to make!

Checks may be made out to Groom-Humphreys Street Neighborhood Association.
                          65 East Cottage
                          Boston, MA 02125
We are a 501C-3 non-profit organization. Our tax ID # is 16-1624555.

Also, a note to sponsors, if you want your company name or logo to appear in our sponsor booklet which will be distributed the night of the party, you must make your donations by September 18th!

If you need more information, please contact Asha Sham, Promotional Marketing Boutique, at 787-640-9368 or you can send an e-mail at creativesolutionsmktg@gmail.com

Thank you for supporting Fernando’s Hideaway, el Show de Fernandito!

H. Fernando Bossa

Mailing Address....
H. Fernando Bossa
594 Columbia Road, Suite 302
Boston, MA 02125
617-816-1232 (M)
Performance Address....
BNN Television Studio
8 Park Plaza, Suite 2240
Boston, MA 02116

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Salsa Lessons with Johnny and Kelly
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