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From:	SalsaBoston [sbc_moderator@salsaboston.com]
Sent:	Wednesday, October 08, 2008 10:28 AM
To:	'salsaupdate@salsaboston.com'
Subject:	412:  City Club Salsa" Grand Opening this Thur; ATN tonight

Hola Salseros!
     Formatting messed up?  Read this on the web at
     Subscription info: visit http://salsaboston.com/list

*** ATN Tonight!
Lessons at 7/8/9 pm, dancing 10-1am

*** Saturday: SalsaBoston and MetaMovements featured at Macy's/Downtown 
Crossing Latino Heritage event. Free Dancing and Food from 2-4pm  See mailbag.

*** Thursday, October 9

UPDATE:  It's still two days before, and over 150 Salseros have RSVP'd for the 
grand opening, so we're expecting a full house!  Additionally, Willie Sanchez 
of "Lena" will be teaching the beginner lesson at 8:30, and starting next week 
we'll be offering an intermediate lesson with MetaMovements and Lena.  This 
week we have DJ Sonerito of Salsa Y Control.  See you tomorrow!

RSVP for your VIP complementary admission to the grand opening on Oct. 9:

Indeed, SalsaBoston, Havana Club, and SalsaBoston's DJ's are excited to 
announce the opening of a new Thursday night Salsa club, in the vicinity of 
Sullivan Square in Somerville.  It's at the Somerville City Club, a brand new 
place on Boston's Salsa Map!


- Huge 2800sf dance floor
- ice cold air conditioning
- 3 blocks from the Orange Line (Green line to Haymarket and you're there)
- easy bus access from Harvard Square and Cambridge/Somerville areas
- huge, adjacent, free parking lot
- full bar (21+ with proper ID to drink)
- all ages admitted
- lessons and all
- all your favorite Salsa entertainers
- coming in from out of town?  Affordable hotel rooms across the street
(NOTE: we are closed on the first Thursday of each month due to a union 
meeting for the time being unfortunately) Somerville City Club 20 Innerbelt 
Somerville, MA 02143
(directly across from the Holiday Inn)

Beginner lesson at 8:30 (intermediate lesson probably as well, stay tuned) 
Dancing 9:45-1am $10 cover, $2 for lesson

Visit the website for details and directions, or call 617-513-9841 

***** Interested in something different?  Try Swing Dance!  
http://swingcityboston.com Live bands every Friday, and all ages welcome.

See you on the dance floor!


Salsa Night at An Tua Nua with SalsaBoston every Wednesday

Boston's original "All Salsa by Salseros for Salseros" party, over 7.5 years 

835 Beacon St., 1 block outbound from Kenmore Square, near Fenway Park
SalsaBoston: (617) 513-9841
An Tua Nua: (617) 262-2121 (for directions only) More details and directions: 

** Have you checked out Masa?  If you're up for a casual night and some dining 
and an upscale bar, this place is cool on Thursdays.  Casual lesson around 
10pm, a mix of music, no cover.  439 Tremont St, South End, Boston

      7pm Personalized Salsa Instruction (AKA "How'd They Do That?!") 
      8pm Casino Rueda Lesson (w/ Anara and the Gang, beginner through 
advanced levels)
      9pm Salsa Lesson (w/ Johnny and Kelly, beginner and intermediate levels)
      10:15pm-1am Salsa!
   http://salsaboston.com/antuanua  for discounts and info or call 617-513-
   An Tua Nua
   835 Beacon St. Kenmore Sq/Fenway, Boston

$10 cover, $2 per lesson additional, 21+
**Note: $6 for 7pm class
Call 617-513-9841 for details about Salsa Night For a discount coupon, please 
visit the website.

An Tua Nua is a great contemporary Irish bar & grill on Beacon Street just 
outside of Kenmore Square (only about 3 blocks from Sophia's).  In the back 
they have a dance club about the same size as the upstairs at Sophia's, with a 
sizable dance floor that holds about 150 people, a bar, and plenty of lounge 

Close to the green line (St. Mary's on the C train, Fenway on the D, Kenmore 
on the B), plenty of street and lot parking.

Irish/America/Bar food available until 10pm.  I have eaten there regularly, it 
is very tasty and modestly priced.

Note: they have Karaoke with my man Kev-Mac Daddy in the front portion of the 
bar when you walk in, but don't let that scare you... Salsa is in the back 
room!  Full Bar.  Please check your coat.

More info, discounts, and directions: http://www.salsaboston.com/antuanua

 This Week's Mailbag
   (SalsaBoston is not affiliated with nor endorses these listings except
    where noted.  This information is just passed along as we receive it.
    If you have a good or bad experience, please let others know on the
    SalsaBoston message board.)

1) Havana Club Update
2) Tito Rojas at City Hall, Sunday Oct. 12
3) Bachata with Johnny and Kelly starts Oct. 14
4) Macy's Hispanic Heritage Event, with SalsaBoston and MetaMovements 

Havana Club news:

Join Havana Club this Thursday for the Grand Opening of "City Club Salsa" in 


Tito Rojas at City Hall Plaza
Sunday, Oct. 12
"Caliente, a celebration of Latin Music"
With AfroBrazil, Ballistic, Ritmo en Accion, Achuira & Bajuco, Alto Honor 
www.cityofboston.com/arts FREE Concert Hosted by the Mayor's Office of Arts 
and Tourism.


Starting Oct 14th...
with Johnny & Kelly

BACHATA... feel the heat!
Beginner Level

Whether it's slow & sensual or fast & pulsating, this Dominican rhythm is 
DEFINITELY CAPTIVATING!  Start by learning the basic steps and turn, then play 
with body movement, styling, and partnering.  Get ready to grab a partner and 
get in closed position!

*  Body movement
*  Turn patterns
*  Men?s and ladies? styling

DATES:   5 Tuesdays, Oct. 14th?Nov. 11th
TIME:	8:45pm?10:15pm
WHERE:   Jose Mateo?s Ballet Theatre, Studio 3
400 Harvard St., in the Old Cambridge Baptist Church in Harvard Sq. (Studio 
entrance faces the Inn at Harvard.) Near the Harvard Square T stop on the Red 
Line Church parking lot pass ($5) or street parking available
COST: 	$15 drop-in OR $60/ 5-class package
CONTACT: Kelly 617-522-7443; kelly@salsaboston.com
          Johnny 617-312-6464; salsumba1@aol.com


Macy’s Downtown Crossing
invites you to a cultural
extravaganza in celebration of
Hispanic Heritage month!

Macy’s Downtown Crossing
Saturday, October 11, 2008, 2PM

-Enjoy performances and salsa dance lessons by the talented dancers of Salsa 
Boston, Main Level.

- Visit the Home Store and watch Chef Harold Pina of Merengue Restaurant as he 
makes delicious heart healthy treats for you to sample*, Lower Level.

- Hey kids, make sure to stop by the Children's Department and check out 
Azucarin the Clown. Plus, you can design your own Hispanic Heritage flag at 
our kids craft table, Lower Level.

- Sample the hot new fragrance Inspire by Christina Aguilera, Main Level.

- Listen to the Latin sounds of La Timbistica, Upper Level.

*While supplies last. Event subject to change or cancellation.

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Salsa Lessons with Johnny and Kelly
Visit Salsaweb.com